In latest news:
Yesterday, after 4 days of paper bag drying, I've collected all GBOG 2 popcorn and jarred it. Around 8-10 hours have passed and the hygrometer in the jar said 65% RH

. I guess that's the right time to jar 'em up

. Gonna be burpin' daily from now, but I think that the weight won't go down drastically anymore, right? Anyways, I weighed it and the scale sad a little over 30g

I've picked up the buds today and they showed an RH of 59%, 45 minutes after jarring, the same as the popcorn yesterday, so I guess that it will go up to 65-66%, just in time to commence curing

In conclusion, popcorn - 4 days of paper bag drying, 30g on the scale (not perfectly cured, but dried); buds - 5 days of paper bag drying, judging by the looks and popcorn weight I would say around 100g (just a guess for now).
Later tonight or early tomorrow I'll put the exact weighing results and tomorrow GBOG 3 is getting chopped

, so stay tuned for more updates these couple of days.
And before I forget, I've been sampling this uncured Glueberry OG popcorn and my oh my it packs a punch

. Gonna be more detailed once it settles a bit.
Stay safe
