Jeez-o 500 Euro for a night oot. Thank god I have never been to Ibiza.
I was along time ravers from 87 onwards started with Chicago and Detroit house and went on to Acid house in 88-89 then house ,hardcore, techno , jungle techno , trance etc I love to dance and used to go all night straight through.
Last time I went out was to a psytrance night about two years ago, which was awesome but as i approach fifty, i seem to have slowed down a bit.
I seriously love the free party scene and went to the UK first free part festival at Chipping Sodbury common and that 25 years ago this year and a year before Castlemorton!
Inglestone common , Chipping Sodbury and Castle Morton common were all part of the Avon Free party scene which would put on a rave every year at the beginning of May.
The last Avon free i went too was about 15 years ago (don't quote me memories are a little vague).
I was working as a chef at the time and pal phoned me up and told me about the party and gave me the mobo number to get there.
After i had finish work around midnight I went home wrote out the party phone number about 100 times cut them up and went to a local venue where about 400 people were having it large.
I had no transport so this was the way I planned on getting to the free party.
As soon as I got in the club I started going up to people asking if they wanted to go to a free rave and could I get a lift and handed them the number to ring.
Eventually I managed to find a lift and around 3 AM in the morning a hole convoy headed to the party, previously they had all been unaware there was a free party.
It was really funny because people kept coming up to me handing me joint a be so friendly it was amazing i even got some free disco biscuits!
It turns out that loads of people though I was the rave organizer and the people who put on the rave wondered who I was LMAO.
That is one night I will never forget!