Haha long time since i saw one of those!
you can also make something similar by attach a short piece of 4" ducting to the bottom of the bottle an covering the end with plastic or duct tape.
You then have an accordion type of deal which will suck the smoke in as you extend it and blow it back out as you push it back up.
Keep those DIY smoking implements coming, it takes me back to my youth when there weren't so many smoking devices to be found and when you had to go to the local head shop to get one.
The internet has seriously made it so much easier to buy smoking gear these days but i love the make do and mend DIY style we had to employ back in the day.
something we also used to do was put a blim of has on a badge which would be on a hard back book, light it and then put a pint glass over it.
The glass would fill with hash smoke and then you would pass the book with the glass on it to who ever was next in line for a smoke.
you would bring the edge of the glass to the edge of the book and then inhale, happy days.
Hot knife too were a lot more popular back then too.
A sneaky pub trick was to put a tiny bit of hash on a lit cigarette tip and as the smoke rose upwards in a thin column you would breathe in the hash smoke.