Now then ........i had the misfortune of being in gregory's girl......abronhill high school cumbernauld ,sadly demolished 4 yrs ago .......that was a hoot when they were filming it .....having to deal with groups of little neds giving them abuse and fckng up scenes ......hilarious in a scots kinda way ..........take 24 ....when someone peddles past shouting haw u ...u fckng bawbag .......i did become a better person honestly also in kevin and perry go large haha accident ...went to amesia in ibiza and they were filming ......lets just say .....remember where you lost it ..lAs I have mentioned I have had the privilege to know a fair number Scotts.
What a people, love them to bits and their culture & use of words.
I had a friend that when he saw something he really liked would use the expression "Hector Nectar" and of course in a scott's accent.
Nothing makes me smile more that some calls someone a "wee fanny" it cracks me up every time.
Who doesn't find neds in a comedy situation hilarious but maybe not so much in real life eh!
I also love chewin the fat and still game, although some of the episodes from the last two series have been a bit week have been a bit week!
Restless natives and Gregorie's girl are both brilliant films as is Whisky Galore.
Call me a sado but i even enjoyed "Take the High Road" when i was a kid, for some reason it called to me, seeing Scotland was so different to where I lived but that Sneddon was a prick eh?
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