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Anyone seen this type of drying out of the top calyces of the mail cola on an othetwise well hydrated plant?
I wanted to let her go another 10 days, but I don't like the dryness...

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Do any of the other buds look similar?? I've seen something like that before and it wasn't good; twas mold that wasn't visible until I split the bud open.. Any chance of a closer pic??
back to cannabis news though, ive decided to get properly informed on the curing process. i wasnt too impressed with my baggy appeal last time, a lot of it was fluffy and just didnt look the part. i think my main problem was drying them out to quick. i see some folk on here with buds so beautifully cured that look like they were crafted by hand of god.... and i want it!!
anyone got a recommendation for some relevant reading material to assist me on my quest for the perfect cure?
Do any of the other buds look similar?? I've seen something like that before and it wasn't good; twas mold that wasn't visible until I split the bud open.. Any chance of a closer pic??
I don't think it's mold, but will check more closely.
I have a sample of it to smoke later. If I like it, I'll chop.
Agree whole heartidly I always had much better success with females . Of course being 6'2" with flaming red hair and good looks helped me too . That was of course when I was much younger . :cooldance:
my last bar management job i was warned that she was a ball buster and didnt hire male staff so i changed tactics and pretended to be gay. ended up the only guy in a workforce of 40 women. unfortunately we had 'gay night' on fridays and i hadnt corrected anyones beliefs so had to take a whole load of guys hitting on me for a couple months till i passed my probation and could come clean. wish i was making up :crying:
Agree. A good hybrid is hard to beat.
i can only smoke hybrids. too strong indica and im on a whitey, too much sativa and i have a mental breakdown. took me a long time to figure that one out lol. i could always up my tolerance but i like being a cheap date :kiss:
Something strangely enjoyable about these videos of folks making castings by pouring molten aluminum down an ant hill. Wouldn't mind picking up one of the resulting sculpture pieces someday. :smoking:

thats not an ants nest mate.

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