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Evening Good AFN ....

this morning i visited the good @Dr. Babnik i brought a trifecta of Sour Bubbly, Red Dragon and Gorilla OG ... all potent in their own right :vibe:

we barely got his light balanced :headbang:

the he said ... try my mutant GG#4 .....

about to : :bighug:

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the tric count on this is insane .... it dosen't really get dry... just gooey :worship:

hope u are having a good day :pass:

That mutated Gorilla Glue [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] is the stronges weed I have grown. The breakfast Mr. Mo brought was also potent stuff. I didn't really get anything done yesterday.
Good evening folks.
Note to self, when leaving for 7 hrs, be sure to water your coco outdoors. Smh came back to a shriveled seedling this afternoon. Best looking one too. Put in ICU hopefully shell pull through. Fingers crossed.
It's my first time with Coco. I was in a hurry, running late and it never crossed my friggin mind. Might just add more peat to my coco from now on.
Good Plan I just started to add coco to my peat and it makes a better mix in my humble opinion . It drains better and reduces the chances of over watering .:biggrin:
Good Morning A.F.N. Stoners T.G.I.F for the working people . Rain rain and more rain forcast for the day , good day to stay inside and watch golf and get stoned or is that get stoned and watch golf .??? :nono:
Anyone seen this type of drying out of the top calyces of the mail cola on an othetwise well hydrated plant?
I wanted to let her go another 10 days, but I don't like the dryness...

It was some breakfast Mr. Mo came with!

Good morning Dr. Babnik, Stoners.
After looking for weeks for the NELA canned milk I wanted on your recommendation, I walked into my regular grocery and there it was. I bought half a dozen, got home and brewed a cup , poured and tasted. Tasted familiar but not the same. I looked at the fine print to find it is a licensed product by GOYA. Well known company in the US. Not the hoped for import. Oh well.
Anyone seen this type of drying out of the top calyces of the mail cola on an othetwise well hydrated plant?
I wanted to let her go another 10 days, but I don't like the dryness...

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I don't know if this looks the same or not ?? but this plant is about ready to chop .
mornin troops i hope were all in as good a mood as i am. after weeks of relentless job hunting i finally got a female interviewer today, yaay : ) couple of well timed winks, some scots patter and a wee blush when she "caught" me eyeing her up and oiala, jobs a good'n. i think all interviewers should be female. it would make my life so much easier. men make useless recruitment agents lol.
mornin troops i hope were all in as good a mood as i am. after weeks of relentless job hunting i finally got a female interviewer today, yaay : ) couple of well timed winks, some scots patter and a wee blush when she "caught" me eyeing her up and oiala, jobs a good'n. i think all interviewers should be female. it would make my life so much easier. men make useless recruitment agents lol.
Agree whole heartidly I always had much better success with females . Of course being 6'2" with flaming red hair and good looks helped me too . That was of course when I was much younger . :cooldance:
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