The New Era of Autoflowers - need advice

What should I do with these genetics?

  • Sell the genetics and project for money

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Produce seeds, sell those for money

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Do nothing

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jul 11, 2017
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Hey guys,

It's been a long time since I've visited here. I signed up again to get some advice of you people out there.
Let's start off with some things about myself, just to get to know each other some better. You could skip this part if you're more interested in the title.
- 26 years old and growing MJ since I was 17.
- I have been breeding since something close to 7 years ago, mostly focussing on the outdoor types of plants, both photosensitive as well as autoflowering.
- I have been giving advice on forums for the past 8 years or so. Ever since I turned 18.

So, what's the deal? Well, I've struck gold with one of my AF hybrid projects. But gold is worthless unless you can sell it, right? So I figured to sell my genetics, either FEM-versions from my own seed store (which is non-existant at this time) or sell the genetics with all the background information/documentation to a renowned breeder. I'm wondering if you guys could give some advice on what to do; a friendly breeder offered me a bag of money if I am willing to donate 20 regular sex seeds. But I've spend over 6 years on this project, and I'm not sure whether I want to keep it to myself or not. I simply need advice on what to do; keep this to myself for maximum profit, or sell these genetics to allow some breeders to have a go at it.

Here are some technicalities:

Project White Rihanna

Description of goal: The aim is to create a long flowering autoflower with semi-auto characteristics, suitable for outdoor growth. Increased size compared to normal autoflowering strains caused by selective breeding for these characteristics.

Genetic make up: [Critical Jack Herer x Autoflower hybrids from own library]

Selection process: Annual selective breeding for traits: Height, Disease resistance, Late onset of flowering.

: Generation 3 of stabilizing genes. (Inbreeding stage: F3).

Time spent on project
: 6 years / 6 Summers.


Feminized: No.

Height: 1,2 metres and up in 9L of soil. In 2017 I found that the late-flowering-onset gene is dominant, meaning that in this generation, only <25% stays at an 'regular autoflower' size. Everything else reaches 6ft and then some.

Yield: 3 packed ziplock bags of 1L (+/- 150 grams per plant in 2016).

Soil demands: none, grows on everything. Prefered medium: regular potting soil.

Stress resistance: High.

Manipulation resistance (clipping, trimming, LST, etc.): High. These plants are as fool-proof as they get.

Disease resistance: Moderate -> When actively infected with mildew, it spreads (2016). When actively infected with mildew, it does not spread (2017). When infected with Botrytis, plant rejects tissue to prevent infection spread. This causes the plant to not get entirely infected. Dutch-summer proof, so to speak.

Taste: Honey, Grapefruit, Orange, Hasj.

Phenotypes: One, hybrid with sativa tendencies. Three generations seem pretty stable, producing the same phenotype every time.

Cuttings: Yes, you can actually take cuttings, since the growth period is pretty close to 4 months.

The pictures below are an example of these genetics: sown in April, onset of flowering around the end of June, harvest just before september. Just a little feeding. Seeds were sown in 9L containers, and moved to the full soil after flowering started.


A birds eye view of last years mother. LST'd for fun.
All pictures below are from the same plant.

So this is basically an AF that can compete with photosensitive plants when it comes to size and yield.

This year, the plants are looking like this:

On the right side, there's a store bought so-called "XL Autoflower" in the same conditions. See below for a size comparison.


Above: Store bought XL AF. Sown at the same time as the plants below, lighter for scale.


Above: Homemade genetics, only just starting to flower. The plant on the left was cut open (stem) due to some cell division issues I thought were going on. It's a nice way to see how these plants handle manipulation anyways. It does hold them back a little, but not much.


Above: showing plants in full size, to the right is a male which was sown alone in a container. This allows for broader leaf growth and an overall nicer plant compared to the two-in-one-container growth. The male was sown later, the females (in the back, left) have started true flowering as of today; the first hairs from the tips are visible, the date is 11th of July.

In conclusion:
This is a fool-proof autoflower, with dominant late-onset of flowering, capable of growing on anything, it's forgiving, herm-free, versatile and it delivers. It can take a beating, hence the Rihanna in the name.

I have some more AF strains I'm mixing in right now, aiming for purple or pink buds, along with a better and more musky flavor. It's a bit too citrus-ey for my taste. The sativa-fluffyness of this plant allows it to ventilate properly, so I'm aiming to keep that trait.

So back to the initial question: What would you pick if you were in my shoes?
Option 1: A befriended breeder offered me a bag of money for the F4 genetics and full documentation, along a testtube with male F3 pollen. I am allowed to continue my own work with these plants, but I am not allowed to sell the initial White Rihanna strain in seed form.

Option 2: Start my own seed company, feminise these seeds, sell them from there.

Option 2.5: Never sell them, keep them to myself and keep breeding. FTW.

Why not option 3: Get a middle man who sells it for you, while you handle the production side?
Because I don't have the room, nor the time to be producing for somebody else.

Any advice is always welcome!
If you guys would like it, I can continue this thread, updating it with pictures.

*English is not my native language, so if you need any sentence clarified, feel free to ask.


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Welcome. Definitely keep bringing us updates on this strain. Look at this strain like a popular cut i.e. Forum Cut GSC. Do the people who released it get any compensation besides possibly the initial 1000 or so for the clone? None. There is a difference between collaboration/partnership and giving away keys to your own future. Many views to consider. Do you truly trust them to do what's right, or are they greedy?
Such a creation would require something more substantial than just a "big 'ol bag 'o' money". Might potentially make more as your own company with the right network of shops offering your fems.
On the other hand perhaps it is time to pursue monetary gain in the short-term in order to continue new breeding projects and such.
Welcome!! And thanks for posting and sharing! In this shady age of breeding, I'd hold on to the genetics as long as possible. You cam sell them yourself easily. Id get and full of testers that are active on IG or social media to document some grows to get the ball rolling. But option 1, selling to a guy with a big bag of money, isn't an option to me. Its like giving your 6 yr old child to a stranger to raise. Not happening! Lol. You spent 6 loving years making this strain. You might as well reap the benefits as well!
Thanks for the kind words and the advice guys!

Testers are already having a go at it and I'll have their results around this autumn. I'll keep updating this thread to show my work.

I'm still heavily divided with the options, thanks for giving me a few new insights!
She's a gorgeous girl.. I'd go option 3 FTW until you can figure out options 1and 2.. Unless your broke why let someone else make money on your hard work?
I hope it all works out for you..looks like he first part is going good
Hi @JanSteen
Welcome to afn, nice to have a other independent private breeder on board.

Your strain looking good, great job.

To your question.
I wouldn't give all the work away without the right to do what i want with the seeds. No money can give you the 6 years of work back.

I was in situation like you and i decided to be a independent underground breeder who share some seeds with good friends. For me the most important thing is to do what ever i want with my work.
You are right earn a bit money for the work is good but its a passion and not a business for me.
What is breeding for you?

You can also pm me if you want a private discussion.

For me the greatest thing is to see my strain in other growers garden and i don't care about money.

Have a nice day and happy breeding and growing
cu tobe
The following comment is both a response to tobe as well as a collection of my thoughts, sorry for the inconsistencies if they occur:

Breeding for me is a pure pleasure to make my studies into a hobby and the other way around. I've dedicated my life to learning all about the backgrounds, the genetic parts, the biology, the chemistry and all there is to cannabis. My studies, ranging from psychology to molecular genetics and breeding, represent that journey. Just another year, and I'll have the papers and resume to show for it. I started my current studies to actually become a cannabis breeder/researcher, hoping to make the world a better place. Or actually, to help reshape this plant to fit the world's needs better. After offering free conversion of sea water to fresh water, and offering a solution that could help crops survive extreme drought to every African country and Southern US states dealing with drought, I've experienced that the world doesn't want help. To make things worse; a system I devised to allow crops to grow in restaurants without dealing with bacterial contaminants, got stolen and then sold by the company that offered to me 'join forces and work together'. I learned at a very young age to not share ideas and to be suspicious towards every company seeing dollar bills flash before their eyes. So instead of helping the people, I decided to just go with the plants..

Sharing seeds is what I've been doing ever since I started making my own seeds, but the favors I asked in return proved too much of an effort for a bus load of people. I asked nothing in return but a simple grow log, some results.. From the 30+ people that have owned seeds from my hands, just 2 or 3 have ever reported something. One guy just wiped himself from the internet the day after receiving over 80 seeds of 6 different strains.
Since most of my dear friends visit coffeeshops and earn enough to keep doing so, they have no intention in growing their own weed. This limits my ability to share the enthusiasm to just a hand full of people, and the people of the world wide internet of course. Reporting in different languages to the internet however, takes up more of my time than actual breeding and caring for these plants. I keep reporting though, because that's where I get the awesome support I need. I still share seeds sometimes, but with a back story like this, it's not something I do on a very regular basis.

I'm also doing more projects like this WR, also with the same goal to create more suitable outdoor strains for central and northern Europe and these projects are getting along pretty well. Selling this WR project would grant me time for the other 3-4 strains. But it really doesn't take up that much time if you'd ask me. Everything is in the inbreeding stage, and that's pretty much a waiting game.

The thing that bothers me is that all outcomes will give me the same reward, but in different ways.
If I sell these seeds independently, there will be somebody out there using them for their own gains. I'm absolutely sure of that, because it would be a mistake not to. If a big time breeder buys a batch, and goes to work with it, the market will be saturated within a year, making my own company obsolete. I can't do better than some dudes owning acres of land with the right paperwork to legally grow seeds. That's a worst case scenario, but judging from how fast the original Lowryder strain (and so many others) was offered by different breeders, and how many have used it to make their own hybrids, I'd have a head start of 1 year at most if I did my own sales before somebody shows up selling the same for just a little less.

If I sell the entire project, the same will happen, but I would have a bag of cash to ease that pain. It doesn't have my preference, but at least I would have some say or guidance in how the project will be used initially.

This nut proves to be a hard one to crack.. More opinions, views and whatever input people would like to give are always welcome of course!

A nice day to you all!
Hi @JanSteen
Ok now its more clear for me. Then i would say look for a big company or a other breeder who pay the right price and sell a batch of seeds. Tell them you don't sell exclusive to got your work in your own hand. Tell them you didn't sell seeds for 1 year till the strain is on the market. That might be fair i think.
There are enough big companies to choose, contact them tell them your price per seed and your condition.

I will write you a pm later the day.
have a nice day and happy breeding and growing.
cu tobe
Have you run this indoors to confirm its actually an autoflower and not just a very sensitive photo plant? Do you know what THC tests at?
Businesses like this start when your friends want your product, then their friends want it, then it becomes unstoppable.
If you try to push it people take a step back, if you just be there with excellent product that you can't get elsewhere people will beg you for it and you can slowly start to feed it to the customers who should be lined up waiting.