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Not for me man, I hate math more than just about anything.
my kids were much the same until I had them in the garage and explained to them visually how mathematics is the tool box of the modern world. They now view it as the necessary evil of modern society and give their best efforts.

But I try not to mention to them too often that both of their grandparents were Mathematicians.

Imagine my childhood. No homework? Here, go find the answer to this, Oh, and wait... You will need this book.. Ummmpfh!

Damn that was crazy. A simple looking harmless equation with a couple of symbols turned into 2 hours and 15 sheet of paper later. We learned to beg for homework at school to avoid the problems that came out of my fathers head.
damn how could get this deep in math without liking it? haha i love math, physics, astrophysics and chemistry and now i am trying to combinate these with biology :) but because i love it.

You have no idea how many times I've wondered how the hell I do what do, and did what I done, without math ability. It's kind of weird, I can do some engineering math without much problem, but symbolic math will not penetrate my skull. Algebra, and statistics in particular.
damn guys, this thread about UV is going to be very big. its so sad that there is a limit of pics you can upload per post.
Tag me 100% for sure. Future diy build for me. Listen to a lot of growmau5 on YouTube and I don't understand 68% of it. But I am learning. This thread is a good spot for my questions ! Super dope. Thanks man.
It's been 15 years since this happened. I had been working with computers since the 80's, and tried to take a Java programming course while going to a jr. college. He wouldnt let me in without math pre req, so I asked him to ask me 5 questions about programming that would require the math knowledge he speaks of, I got all 5 right, bastard still wouldn't let me in.
Military would take me though, took electronics principles, soldering, radio, satcom, lots of math. I had no issue with it though because it was all concrete principles with simple variables. Like LED building.
It's been 15 years since this happened. I had been working with computers since the 80's, and tried to take a Java programming course while going to a jr. college. He wouldnt let me in without math pre req, so I asked him to ask me 5 questions about programming that would require the math knowledge he speaks of, I got all 5 right, bastard still wouldn't let me in.

funny thing is i got an education in IT and i am able to write in c, c++ and java. i know for sure what the teacher ment with needing math skills but rejecting you from something that teaches you how to do it is just dumbass. where should you learn it if not there...
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