Grim Reefer

Hello AFN,
My self and 2 other members were graciously given the chance to test out some of Spectrum Kings finest LEDs. Spectrum King kindly donated 3 different units for testing, one to each member. The 3 units are as follows; links have been left under the title's for your own consideration.
So folks im sure some of you will know me and im sure of you dont. Im Grim Reefer and I have been a member of AFN since January 2013. I started off as a new grower here when I joined and after plenty of research, study and practice I finally got my growing groove on.
Since of the beginning of 2016 it was decided from the powers that be, that I was to be offered a staff position as a High team member on the AFN. I excitedly accepted said offer and now about 6 months or so later I have managed to work my up to Global Moderator status. Sorry im not trying to gloat here but just making a point and that is "if I can do it so can you."
Enough about me, so just to put it out there I will be testing out the SK 400 Plus. The unit came with a 120 degree reflector which is absolutely perfect for my own set up. For more information about my test grow please find the link to the test here. ( Not up yet but will be very soon) Hopefully I will see you there.
Now lets have an Introduction from @Duggy and @Eyes on Fire the other two Spectrum King LED Testers.
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