Hi masters!!!
As you know, today is the first month of the contest and we want to congratulate you all for the great effort and marvelous threads you are working on. We are enjoying them a lot and learning from you, too! FYI, all the people we suggested to take a look to your threads have been very impressed and are already engaged following you all. Thanks much, this threads are top notch!
Well, now, the majority of you will be right into the most interesting and demanding part of the growth!!! Ladies are turning big!

We are very happy with your job until now and we encourage you all to keep rocking it!
Best of luck to you all, specially to the ones who started later and the ones who had bad luck and/or different accidents in the grow room! Don't get disappointed! There's still a lot of time to succeed and a lot of creativity to show!

...and also some surprises for anyone to come, winners or not!

Or did you think we wouldn't be surprising you again?

(note: Don't ask about this surprise cuz we won't be able to talk about it. It's a surprise hahaha

So, go for it and have a nice grow this next month that starts today! We are giving you all a big

for all the passion and effort you've done till now!

Enjoy growing faster, family!