Dutch Passion 2Stoned2Care Does DP AUTO BLUEBERRY+Autopot

Thanks for the kind words derek its my first every blueberry of any kind so nice to know she is looking like the photo period version

Yep the leaves and structre are spot on, the leaves really though, the kinda pregnant joint lookin leaves that are kinda fat in the middle is tell tale DP blueberry. I am the biggest DJ short fan in the world and love the story of how he made the original Bluberry, I mean 1000 plants to pick out one is crazy.
Yep the leaves and structre are spot on, the leaves really though, the kinda pregnant joint lookin leaves that are kinda fat in the middle is tell tale DP blueberry. I am the biggest DJ short fan in the world and love the story of how he made the original Bluberry, I mean 1000 plants to pick out one is crazy.

Thats why i love this site so much i never knew that bro thanks for the info.i have never even smoke blueberry before so i am really looking forward to trying i hear from the smoke reports she is a proper indica with an awesome body stone which i really hope is true
Thats why i love this site so much i never knew that bro thanks for the info.i have never even smoke blueberry before so i am really looking forward to trying i hear from the smoke reports she is a proper indica with an awesome body stone which i really hope is true

That is the main reason I started growin it, i am an indica head through and through. I look for the 100% indy's and that was one of the best ones I found. Also at the time is was one of if not THE strongest strain available. You are going to literally freak out when she starts to flower, it is JUST like blueberry muffins.
That is the main reason I started growin it, i am an indica head through and through. I look for the 100% indy's and that was one of the best ones I found. Also at the time is was one of if not THE strongest strain available. You are going to literally freak out when she starts to flower, it is JUST like blueberry muffins.

hahaha now i am getting even more excited :woohoo::woohoo1::thumbsup:
hahaha now i am getting even more excited :woohoo::woohoo1::thumbsup:

Trust me there is a reason why I tried probably 50 strains over the years but the BB is what I grew for myself always. I kept it in the garden and for close to a decade it was THE bombest smoke in town. There are people who are really mad that i found autos hahahahahahaha
Trust me there is a reason why I tried probably 50 strains over the years but the BB is what I grew for myself always. I kept it in the garden and for close to a decade it was THE bombest smoke in town. There are people who are really mad that i found autos hahahahahahaha

Well grow the auto version bro they wont know the difference if you just say its the photo period lol
Well grow the auto version bro they wont know the difference if you just say its the photo period lol

Hahahahahaha they would know, it took me a LONG time to get the strain dialed in the way I wanted, and when i did it was the best herb in Austin for a long time, i am sure i will run the auto DP blueberry at some point but I just have such high standards for the strain it will be very hard for me to like it i think, because I know i would think the whole time how it was not the original u know what i mean
Hahahahahaha they would know, it took me a LONG time to get the strain dialed in the way I wanted, and when i did it was the best herb in Austin for a long time, i am sure i will run the auto DP blueberry at some point but I just have such high standards for the strain it will be very hard for me to like it i think, because I know i would think the whole time how it was not the original u know what i mean

yeah i know what you mean,i was the same with my first white widow grow i remember thinking how can it be like the original but was suprised at how much it was alike.i think placebo effect may get you because you have such high standards for the blueberry your brain will just say nope thats not it hahahaha
yeah i know what you mean,i was the same with my first white widow grow i remember thinking how can it be like the original but was suprised at how much it was alike.i think placebo effect may get you because you have such high standards for the blueberry your brain will just say nope thats not it hahahaha

Yep that is exactly why i am scared to do it cause I just think i will be disappointed lol