Dutch Passion Dutch Passions sensational "free seeds in return for a grow diary" competition


Autoflower Master
AFN Authorized Vendor
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
The Dutch Passion team were thinking what a great forum this is, we have loved seeing the way you have embraced AutoFem strains. And we have been thrilled to see what a good job you have been doing with them, so we thought it would be good to get another competition going. The ongoing ‘Guess Seymours Yield’ competition is something we hope everyone can enjoy and enter.

But the next competition will be a little more serious and will be played for higher stakes. It is perhaps a competition where some of the more skilled growers can really shine and show what they can do.

Dutch Passion will give away 10 seeds to each of 20 (max) growers. The growers should be prepared to write a grow diary of the strain, or strains, with regular updates. It will be 10 seeds each, that could be ten seeds of the same variety or it could be 5 seeds from one variety and 5 of another.

For every grower that finishes a regularly updated diary with smoke/medical report we will send a merchandise pack and a pack of 10 ‘surprise mix’ seeds at the end of their grow to thank them. Our ‘Surprise Mix’ are random seeds which have somehow got separated from their identity in our seed-packing line. Over time we get stray seeds that we obviously can’t sell because they are of unknown identity. The nice thing about the Surprise Mix seeds is that statistically they are most likely to be of our most popular varieties. And because 95%+of our sales are Feminized or AutoFems the surprise mix are nearly always fems too. They are all top strains which we can’t sell, but we would love to know that someone has enjoyed growing them.

Each grower will make a grow diary. If they received 2 varieties they can make 2 diaries. Dutch Passion ask that we can use any comments and photo’s from the diaries for our website. At the end of the year we at Dutch Passion (or maybe we can do the vote on this forum) will vote for the best 3 diaries.

1st Prize will be a €250 coupon code (credit) which you can redeem at our website for seeds and/or merchandise as you wish.

2nd Prize will be a €150 coupon code

3rd Prize will be a €75 coupon code

I will have the usual problem that we can’t send seeds to the USA, I know, I know but what can I do about their laws? Sorry about that. The rest of you should be OK.

I am fairly new here so I have asked Bailer if he can help, perhaps with others mods, to get us a good mix of competent indoor and outdoor growers.

Outdoor and Autofem growers can select their own strains. But for indoor growers we will restrict the offer to 5 varieties. These will be the 3 new photoperiod strains (Night Queen, Dark Delight, Freddy’s Best) and two modern ace’s ‘The Ultimate’ (my current favourite) and Dutch Cheese.

Clearly there will be a little bit of a competitive edge to this offer, so we are looking really for folk that are confident that they have a good set-up and experience. People that have produced good grow diaries before will be preferred for that reason. And that is where I will need the help of Bailer and the mods if the offer is over subscribed. We are not worried about who can get the best yields, rather we are simply looking for people that can put on an impressive exhibition grow and get some fine looking ladies. I don’t really know what to expect, but this should be lots of fun, and isn’t that what life is for.

So please have a think if this is for you, and if so stick your name down along perhaps with an indication of what seed variety (or varieties)you would like, and whether you are thinking indoor or out. Perhaps take the time to browse our website and choose something that appeals to you. Remember that the 3 new varieties do have blogs that may be interesting to read. Until we get the blogs indexed just search the seed names on our website and it will take you straight there. There is no rush on the application process, when you are ready post below and we will select the lucky20 in a few weeks.

Good Luck,
Too bad, you can't ship seeds to the US. Stupid Government.

Best of luck, and green Mojo, to the competitors.

Damn. I would love to do an auto fem sog in my PC case. 8 autos 18oz party cups. 182 watts of mixxed spectrum cfl... 100% organic... too bad I'm in the u.s. of a... is there ANY way around this?
wow! another great comp. fair play to you and your team for giving the members here a super opportunity to grow out these strains ,and as if that isnt enough you will reward the best diaries even more!!!:clap: i dont think i have a good enough setup or enough experience to be considered but i wish all those picked good luck . this is gonna be fun to watch:dance:

although having said all that, if you want to see how well your auto-fems can do in a small space with cfl's and an inexperienced grower... then i'm your man lol!:D
:clap: Bravo Dutch Passion :clap:
I can't wait to see the diaries
i would like a crack at some auto fems the auto blueberry was on my 2do strains .only got 3 weeks till my current grow is up.i no iam a new user but if i get the go ahead i will put in the work and give a very detialed diary.
Im in!!! putting my name down for outdoors & greenhouse. this is very exciting news. what a fantastic prize list :booya:
Dutch Passion knows what they are doing, even thou i'm stuck in cannabis unfriendly USA, they are winning hearts and minds by working with growers in this way. I'd love to compete to show that even a newer grower can produce great buds with their genetics.

i've got some DP genetics on hand now and they will probably be my next journal contest or no :)

great idea guys! mad respect.
My first thought was this one will get saturated with applications, not even worth trying. But then maybe my peculiar outdoor growing circumstances might be appealing to the Dutch Passion team.

I would gladly sign up for this. I know, I don't have any previous grow diary to prove myself worthy with, however I believe there's no one at this forum who's not able to grow their crop. Whether we're pro's or "toys" (graffiti terminology for new inexperienced writers) our experiences are of value.

Due to security considerations I wouldn't post any indoor grow at the forum. However I'd love to post a guerrilla grow from the Arctic woods of northern Scandinavia (65+ degrees N. Lat) during the coming summer, if things permit it.

I can remember only a few years back, it was nearly impossible to get any buds up here without having to hassle with darkening systems etc. - nothing you're able to do out in the guerrilla field. Now, since these blessed autos have arrived on the market we can get top quality outdoor buds in the arctic, or sub-arctic zones of this planet! O Lord, you've truly created a blessed plant! Far out indeed!

So, ever since the autos came to us, me and a couple of friends have been doing successful guerrilla grows out in the woods every year. Amongst others, some strains that have proved their success in my area (note that southern Scandinavia is a lot different, closer to Dutch climate maybe) are: All the "ryders", MI5, Purple Jems and your very own Snow Storm (first edition). Of course, the yields aren't enormous, you'd be happy to get an ounce from one plant, but often much less. Another reason for me preferring regular seeds: I need to do my own seed harvests in order to get a decent stash out of the grow. Having 50+ autos in a well fertilized soil somewhere in the woods can produce a massive amount of buds even up here and the funny thing is that people wouldn't usually recognize it as cannabis, looks like some low level bush or something. One year I even had the lumberjacks chopping up the area where I grew, all the trees around we're chopped down, but no one seemed to have noticed my Purple ladies. Cool.

Let's get to the point: If you guys sign me up for this I'd be proud to present how your automazar and autoblueberry performs under the arctic midnight sun. I have two different regions where I would grow. One up in the polar region where the sun never sets for two months, the other one a little bit further south, where we have very long (and cold) days (sunset at around 11pm in june, and sunrise at around 1.30 am!!) during summer. It would be guerrilla style, so I wouldn't be able to do frequent updates, once or maybe twice a month, but I believe it could be an interesting experiment, perhaps not only for the cannabis community.

The grow would be a simple organic outdoor soil grow, no fuss. We use our own homemade fertilizers (typically consisting of regular kitchen waste) and pure water. I believe more isn't needed for the average grower. Perlite would be a good thing to add, only problem is that the grow stores here don't sell any (is it only used for cannabis?), so I use sand or expanded clay.

The number of sunlight hours up here during a good summer could be many to say the least. In other words auto plants would thrive. However, considering the sometimes low temperatures the growth is usually a bit stunted. But in a heated greenhouse miracles could happen... If only I had one!

Thank you guys for this opportunity!