Dutch Passion Guess The Yield Competition. Free Think Different Seeds


Autoflower Master
AFN Authorized Vendor
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone.

Us Dutch folk are in a good mood, it's our 25th anniversary year and we have plenty of seed give-aways planned. Here is the first. Each member of the forum is allowed 1 guess for the final dried weight of bud from Seymours Think Different grow. No editing your guess after you have posted it please.

1st prize, nearest guess gets 15 Think Different seeds

2nd Prize, for the two next best guesses gets 10 Think Different seeds

3rd Prize, for the next three nearest guesses get 5 Think Different seeds each.

As you know I don't want to be spending the autumn of my life in a US federal penitentiary, so we won't be sending seeds to USA based winners. Boo. Instead we will send USA prize winners some of our Dutch Passion merchandise (T shirts, hats, grinders that kind of thing). Everyone else will get seeds.

So please put your answers here, in grams. i will close the competition before seymour announces the final dry yield. Good luck everyone !
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Reactions: MrN
i'm game.....my guess is 298 grams!
183 grams...... any prizes for earlybird.............lol thanks.
Tony if there happens to be a US winner, would you be comfortable with someone outside of the US be the intermediary. You could mail to the intermediary, and they in turn would forward it to the winner.

that's a really good question there TBM!
followed all seymours grows and there all monsters.so i say 240 g it looks even better than the mazer
OOO i am in on this one for sure!!!! I am going to say 221 grams
sounds like fun, why not.......228 grams.......i like even numbers. may the best gram win!!!