I have been growing for about 20 years on and occasionally(and sadly and regrettably) off. Started out as a punk kid getting into my dad's stuff until a friend of his gave me and my cousin some seedlings and I never looked back. When I got old enough my old man taught me how he did things which was all old school and soil. Taught me many a valuable lesson but mostly looking back really just know what you're growing in and "if you think it's done give it a week" when I first started out. Things have changed so much in the cannabis world since then. I started doing indoor about a year or so before it became legal for a friend of mine who had gotten his acmpr to grow a small amount he was having trouble so I helped him out. What a journey that led me on all across Ontario for lights and tents and clones and nutrients. I met so many good people along the way and as with anything in passionate about I read and want to learn more and get better. Which eventually led me to this great community of people and wealth of information. I am privileged to be a part of. I plan on being more and more involved in the community as I am grateful for what has been created here and all I have learned and will going forward. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to go on this journey with me in any small way or part I appreciate you.