New Grower X2 Gorilla auto(HempBrothers) +1 Kush something


I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing smth
Aug 16, 2022
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Amnesia haze
Hiya, it's been about a year since my last and only grow which gave me great results (as for my first grow) so I thought it's about time to try once more.
This time I had two seeds of gorilla automatic from Hemp Brothers and one which I don't know where it came from, it just says "Kush" on the bag haha..
I have no idea how they'll fit in my 2x2 tent... My friend supposed to take one seedling, but she changed her mind so I have all 3 in my tiny space.
Last grow I had amnesia haze and she took over almost all of the space in the tent.
Well, we'll see I guess.
I have no idea how they'll fit in my 2x2 tent... My friend supposed to take one seedling, but she changed her mind so I have all 3 in my tiny space.
Last grow I had amnesia haze and she took over almost all of the space in the tent.
Well, we'll see I guess.
My granddaughter has three #5s and a couple of smaller pots - all in her 2x2. But yeah that's a lot of plants for that area.
20days from sprout, we're looking pretty good. started nute feeding, I'm using Terra Aquatica grow and bloom+ Plagron Calmag
One of Gorilla auto got topped

And rest got LST. The repoted one came out to be strongest plant, the one which I topped.
I added one of those Co2 bags in the tent few days ago, dunno if that's working or not but my plants seems to be healthier after that.
35days from sprout.
Girls are packed tight in there.. yesterday I did some leave cutting and ended up clearing everything what's not getting enough light, I thought it will help increase air flow under the canopy and it will be easier for me to water them bc untill now I had to take one girl out from the tent to water other two in the back.
Looks good Ape.My grows a little behind yours and I think I may run into the the same over crowding issues.I'll be watching closely to see what you come up One thing I did do was add a tower fan to go along with my 4 clip ons.