Nutrients What is your best advice for fixing the low ph on soil?

Thanks for suggestion. This one was on my list, sadly the brand looks like not imported to my country. Im looking for something more accesible.
For all practical purposes, it is a micronized limestone suspended in a fluid. Limestone is alkaline, it "neutralizes" acids. So... it will raise the pH by adding alkalinity... also could be referred too as "neutralizing an acidic soil".

Both you and Proph are correct I believe, this is an issue of language barrier I think. I read nothing gruff or offensive in his post.
What do you mean when you say ''I always add too much '? What are you adding?

I am only on my second grow but both with BioBizz LightMix. Too much nutrients. I add too much too strong too soon. The soil grows really good on its own. At least at the start. I'm still too new to give good advice.

I water in at 6.3 ideal ph for lightmix
I am only on my second grow but both with BioBizz LightMix. Too much nutrients. I add too much too strong too soon. The soil grows really good on its own. At least at the start. I'm still too new to give good advice.

I water in at 6.3 ideal ph for lightmix

Not sure but there was a two weeks without additional fertilizer but I guess it was for first time use of an other product of Biobizz. But not sure which one. Thanks for your feedback.
For all practical purposes, it is a micronized limestone suspended in a fluid. Limestone is alkaline, it "neutralizes" acids. So... it will raise the pH by adding alkalinity... also could be referred too as "neutralizing an acidic soil".

Both you and Proph are correct I believe, this is an issue of language barrier I think. I read nothing gruff or offensive in his post.

Thanks for comment and fix to misunderstanding.

I face with a more elementary question after those comments. Most of my previous plants get stucked about the nutritent less or more. I got three different stage plants now (at veg,flowering) and all of them not growing much (both veg. and bloom). I use liquid fertilizers like Advanced Nut. and General Hyd.. One of the article I read (cannot remember the source) was talking about if you use liquid fertz. you should deffinetely check your ph of mixing, and as long as I knew ph is the main factor for nut. consumption of plant. What do you think?
Thanks for comment and fix to misunderstanding.

I face with a more elementary question after those comments. Most of my previous plants get stucked about the nutritent less or more. I got three different stage plants now (at veg,flowering) and all of them not growing much (both veg. and bloom). I use liquid fertilizers like Advanced Nut. and General Hyd.. One of the article I read (cannot remember the source) was talking about if you use liquid fertz. you should deffinetely check your ph of mixing, and as long as I knew ph is the main factor for nut. consumption of plant. What do you think?
I've seen a few growers never check the pH of anything, and do pretty good, I think they are either blessed with a natural green thumb, or, just happen to live somewhere that all the conditions are just right, soil, water etc.

I pH anything going into the root zone. That's me personally. Soils will tend to buffer the pH, but this works much better in a 5 or 7 gallon pot than a 1 gallon bag. And that's taking in to account that it is good soil.
Been a while since I've run salt based nutes, with the line I run, pH is critical.

When things go wrong, it's one more item that will either get checked off, or require further investigation. So, if your checking regularly, your ahead of the issue.
If it's just watering and not feeding, I'd check the pH once in a while, and get a water report from the local company. Probably will be pretty stable. Unless like me, you live in a delta area that turns brackish twice a year...
If it's just watering and not feeding, I'd check the pH once in a while, and get a water report from the local company. Probably will be pretty stable. Unless like me, you live in a delta area that turns brackish twice a year...

Actually I use bottled spring water. Im feeding with watering if its what you asked. Not groundy kind of for me. I was thinking as long as its doesnt include heavy material and measurements are ok on final mix, its doesnt matter the quality of water.
@vincenoir This guys have more experience, but Biobizz doesnt recommend using different brands with their products, and i as a new grower also try avoid messing around with the micro-organisms, i just let them do their thing and follow manufacture advice.

Biobizz has a organic PH+ and PH- in their product line. You should use those to adjust your ph, but TBH if you are getting 5.5ph u probably are mixing too high of a dosage of nutrients.

No need to water till run-off, there are no salts in organic nutes. Buildasoil (a very good organic soil company) recommends watering 5-10% of the pot volume in organic soils, so i follow that rule. Biobizz says 20-30% of pot volume (i think that's too much from personal experience)
Soil ph and water ph are totally different. You're not talking about soil ph.. You're talking about water ph. No matter what you use to raise the water ph, it's not going to hold for long. Dolomite lime used to alter the soil ph.. Not the water ph.

i dont get this reply. You are saying he cant alter the soil ph by adjusting the water ph??? Doesnt the water influence the soil ph level?
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i dont get this reply. You are saying he cant alter the soil ph by adjusting the water ph??? Doesnt the water influence the soil ph level?
Yes, Im saying that bagged soil ph can't be altered bu the water ph.. And I'm saying no, the water does not influence the soil ph. Soil ph is buffered to stay at 7