Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Vapo goes to Jonestown.

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023


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Feb 20, 2017
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Hello AFN......I am a Simpsons fan(like most!)and my missus brought home a little Simpsons shot glass for me......yaaaaaay!!......
so I did the little present justice and popped 2 x Jonestown into it last night........

I will be potting these gals up today or tomorrow watch out for the update AFN.........
Hello AFN......something I have always thought to be what I was supposed to do with seeds.....might not actually be the best thing....I thought that when you soak your seeds, it's best to sink them if you can, to get water to the whole shell and soften it, making it easier for the emerging taproot to break through and live/grow etc. etc......but with these SB Jonestown I have left them lying on the surface tension, for a longer than usual period of 36-48hrs....they have sensed the presence of water underneath them and produced taproots to drink......I am gonna try this with all my beanz from now on, bcoz I have sunk seeds in the past and they have, what I think is "drowned!".....take a look ....
Hello AFN....I potted these gals up yesterday....declined to take pics for some unknown reason(yeah right!! hehe I was mashed!)....but i was sure I took some today.......t'would seem not, but be assured AFN I did pot them up....
Hello AFN.....both SB Jonestown have breached yesterday and one today....we are in business ladies and one of my feed chart will begin tomorrow......noice!
I thought that when you soak your seeds, it's best to sink them if you can, to get water to the whole shell and soften it, making it easier for the emerging taproot to break through and live/grow etc. etc.
Correct, but not for 24-36 hours. That's too long in my opinion. I usually soak my seeds in some H²O² in a small cup or shotglass. I then cover up the seeds with a small piece of tissue, which I press down under the liquid. Normally I leave them for one to two hours and then put them in some cotton pads. Today I soaked 36 seeds and forgot about them for quite a while longer...One seed had popped and it's taproot was already hanging out. Don't think it'll make it though, but we'll see. I only need the 16 best seedlings to transplant into the tent. :shrug:

So doing what you just did by not drowning the seeds is the way to go. Do be careful though as some seeds sink to the bottom when water get's inside them. You might still drown the seed. :cheers:
Is water soaking actually better vs. other options, such as using root plugs or simply planting seeds in their final pot? Water soaking is not natural, with seeds in nature growing in non-saturated (aerated) soil. [Is water soaking done with seeds of other plants? Is it seemingly preferred because it's more engaging, entertaining, can watch/see the sprouting vs. if the seed is in a plug or medium/soil?].

To me, starting seeds in water is just another needless step that can only detrimentally affect seed growth, with additional required handling likely damaging root hairs. I plant the seeds in rooting plugs, such as Rapid Rooter or Root Riot, designed for the purpose, and plant these in the final pot as soon as any root starts to show itself, extend out from the plug.
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Correct, but not for 24-36 hours. That's too long in my opinion. I usually soak my seeds in some H²O² in a small cup or shotglass. I then cover up the seeds with a small piece of tissue, which I press down under the liquid. Normally I leave them for one to two hours and then put them in some cotton pads. Today I soaked 36 seeds and forgot about them for quite a while longer...One seed had popped and it's taproot was already hanging out. Don't think it'll make it though, but we'll see. I only need the 16 best seedlings to transplant into the tent. :shrug:

So doing what you just did by not drowning the seeds is the way to go. Do be careful though as some seeds sink to the bottom when water get's inside them. You might still drown the seed. :cheers:
Hello @Bob's Auto's my dude, hope you are all good gromie :bighug: .....yeah, I prolly did not explain properly dude haha...I did say I left them longer than usual because they stayed on the surface tension..but I should have also said that I usually pot them up 12-20 hours later if they sink, put them in to soak and pot them when I do the others the next day kind of thing dude...
Is water soaking actually better vs. other options, such as using root plugs or simply planting seeds in their final pot? Water soaking is not natural, with seeds in nature growing in non-saturated (aerated) soil. [Is water soaking done with seeds of other plants? Is it seemingly preferred because it's more engaging, entertaining, can watch/see the sprouting vs. if the seed is in a plug or medium/soil?].

To me, starting seeds in water is just another needless step that can only detrimentally affect seed growth, with additional required handling likely damaging root hairs. I plant the seeds in rooting plugs, such as Rapid Rooter or Root Riot, designed for the purpose, and plant these in the final pot as soon as any root starts to show itself, extend out from the plug.
Hello @BII ....I do it to soften the shell the taproot thru and I use a pipette with the end cut off to transport them from the water to the coco, so idk if they get much damage?....they are just floating the whole time.
Hello @BII ....I do it to soften the shell the taproot thru and I use a pipette with the end cut off to transport them from the water to the coco, so idk if they get much damage?....they are just floating the whole time.
What benefits do the added steps of sprouting in water and then transfering provide vs. sprouting directly in a soil-like medium? Transferring the sprouted seeds may (seem to) work without significant microscopic root hair damage, but to me it just seems unnecessary, an added complication.

I'll stick with the natural and more hands-off way, putting the seeds in a moist soil-like medium (starter plug, coco/perlite final pot, etc.), with the surely 100% in-medium air humidity and wet medium particles taking care of hydrating the seed while also immediately providing both physical support/attachment surfaces and nutrients (if present).