Update Feeding Chart for AF?

Greenleaf Nutrients

AFN Authorized Vendor
Jan 15, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Widow
So, on our website, the original feeding calculator/chart didn't really have AF in mind too much (I know, sorry!). However, seeing how popular AF are now, I wanted to ask some experts here, how do normal "feeding charts" translate over to AF's? Should the amounts be lower, or can they use full strength?

Eventually, if a change is needed, we can add in a separate dedicated AF feeding chart to the calculator on the site to make it easier for AF growers to not need to translate or calculate anything.
From what I've seen reported on AFN, most everyone is using the recommended amounts -- base rate 4 g/gallon or ≥1 g/mL -- and seeing very good results. I have not yet seen a single problem reported as associated with MegaCrop.

I just now fed my plants in late veg 1 g/mL MegaCrop (plus HydroGuard, ReCharge, AN Microbial Munch, Bt bacteria/toxin drops); and I diluted this to 50% for 10-day old plants. This was their very first MegaCrop feeding. I was already using a somewhat simplified schedule - a modified "TaNgs EASY Auto Feeding Schedule" (AN pH Perfect bloom as base nutes from sprouting to harvest).

I am currently planning to use AN pH Perfect Connoisseur Coco Bloom A&B base nutes with full selection of supplements every 3rd feeding (1 out of every 3 feedings). Are there any reasons that this might not be optimal?
MEGA CROP for Autos
Here's a link to what I'm doing for my current Auto grow

Please note I'm a newbie and have only used FF Trio(1st grow) and MEGA CROP so take what I say with a grain of salt.

I 1st started using MEGA CROP on 1/11/18 @ day 21 of my Kush grow and later added Sweet Candy for a extra boost mainly for the soil and roots. I did have a slight issue with Cal Mag but 1 feeding of MEGA CROP with Cal Mag stopped it almost instantly continued Cal Mag till week 6 when I stopped. I also started decreasing the grams per gallon as my plants uptake slowed finishing off grow @ 2 grams per gallon along with Sweet Candy @ 1/4 tsp per gallon. My Kush grow flourished on MEGA CROP / Sweet and by reading how my Kush plants did on MEGA CROP / Sweet Candy I mapped out the current feed schedule for my cob grow along with the stains I was going to run. While planning everything I came up with the wild idea of feed training my plants according to the way they responded to my plan. Now autos we all know have a clock ticking as soon as the seed pops the count down begins. So we have a set time to get all we can from the plant while being careful not to stress it during the 1st weeks as it develops a strong root system.

Step in Sweet Candy and why I use it from day 1, highlighted in red, along with MEGA CROP start to finish.
Sweet Candy is a premium, full flavor, aroma and yield enhancer … and carbohydrate source all in one! Promotes bolder terpenes, scent, root zone health, beneficial bacteria and vibrant plants. Contains several different types of carbo sources, 20 amino acids, 70+ vitamins and minerals, isoflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, tannins and isoterpenes for superior aroma, potency and heavy yields. Sweet Candy also enhances the root zone for optimal beneficial bacteria and fungi growth to help benefit and protect your plants.

My theory behind this is that by giving the seedlings Sweet Candy at 100 % from day 1 it allows the plant to uptake the nutrients, feeds the soil all while protecting it at the same time, this is just my thinking.
So my feed training begins @ day 1 feeding MEGA CROP / Sweet Candy. I feed every day, I do a heavy feeding increasing the amount as the plant increases uptake followed by a light feeding of at least 1 quart per plant . My theory behind this is that by feeding the plants the same way they get used to getting that amount are able to use all of what its being fed. So when I go feed each plant is going to get the same amount depending on if its a heavy or light feeding day. This has worked pretty well for me so far. I also recommend that you know your medium if growing in a soil, coco or like me a blend you make yourself. Some soil mediums are hot mixes therefore feed accordingly

I started using Greenleaf Nutrients Bud Explosion and Red Line today and will use till harvest and I will stop the Cal Mag Pro at weeks end.

Before I forget another awesome thing about MEGA CROP is I've yet to have a plant not like what it was fed making it easy to run multiple strains because you can feed them all the same not having to cater to a individual strain/plant. So I've ran or running a total of 11 different strains from 5 different breeders all fed the same way without any issues :shrug:
You don't need feeding chart, because every environment and every plant is different. Soil, hydro, coco, summer temps, low RH, high RH, winter temps, COBs, HPS, CMH...

Just start with low dose and then slowly increasing each week till you see tip burn.