twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Purple Biscauto - showcase

PlatinumGrows update#5
  • Day 51 I like what I see a lot she’s a real tent hog I’m sure she’d be massive right now if she had the proper space and perfect conditions…..I can’t wait to buy a pack of these and grow some of the other mendo beans I have - still chillin around 775ppm and 5.8-6.0ph - she is drinking something like 1/4-1/2 gallon every day now



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    Sour D update#11
  • Day 77 for the big girl and still seems happy. Trichs are starting to show some amber. Thinking maybe Sun will be chop day. Seeing her in that space by herself, I'm wondering if I should stop this 2 plants in a box. With more space to work with maybe I can do just as well by more aggressive lst'ing. Between the 2, I trimmed off a ton of so called suckers that might have made the grade if it wasn't so crowded. I've got a couple other girls going that I topped 1 and left the other natural, but the natural is growing height wise a lot faster than the topped. That's liable to be an issue with light height. Decisions, decisions.
    All for now,

    20210905_8822-PurpB-1 copy.jpg
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    YoungGrassh0pper update#17
  • 172.5 grams of dense nugs with a decent amount of larf I threw in a freezer bag for some ice water hash. Still can’t smell anything (COVID) but she’s covered in res.

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    F.N. update#8
  • I know it was Friday i put pictures up but they were taken Thursday. They are all coming to the end stretch. The Purple Biscauto super purple pheno will be 4 ounces for sure the other should be close to that number too. That is just a eyeball number it is give or take abit. I think the super purple one should come down with in three days Friday. The others might need it then too. I have zero worries of mould ZERO lol.
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    PlatinumGrows update#6
  • I missed an update last week I apologize - this is day 63 purple biscauto - cutting edge solutions nutrients ppm 850 ph 6.0-6.5 getting thicker now



    Probably gonna go for roughly 3 more weeks then flush 1 day before 48 hours of darkness , then chop
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    LoveDaAutos update#8
  • I thought I would slip in an update on my Purple Biscauto AKA Trizkit auto from Twenty20 Mendo. I have two of these growing and although they share the same overall shape and bud structure they are definitely two different plants. The one I photographed today is much frostier with a berry/fuel aroma that is absolutely delicious. The second one outwardly is not as frosty and her aroma is of a sour citrus sort of aroma right now. This is liable to change as she gets closer to harvest. I've been having a calcium deficiency problem I think because of the intensity of the QB light as well as feeding at a lower dosage of MC. I have been adding CalMag of late and the plant is looking better.

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    LoveDaAutos update#12
  • Yesterday I was looking quite closely at my two Purple Biscauto AKA Trizkit plants. Today they are at 65 days post sprout. On the Twenty20 site the sprout to harvest numbers are 88 days to 100 days. Will this plant go another 23 days?
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    PlatinumGrows update#7
  • Day 70 now for purple biscauto - I ordered a USB microscope today so I can inspect trichomes. I have no plan to stop feeding really I’m just gonna do a flush 1 day before they go in 48 hours of darkness…..I think I’m gonna add my “KNF” late bloom feed to the flush and replace any minerals or salts in the container with that instead which also has molasses in it just gonna try it simple and then do my best on dry and cure and see how they taste….smells and resinous oils are there it’s up to me now….




    ^ lookin exotic
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    F.N. update#9
  • These are at day 85 to 90 and DONE. They are dank sticky beautiful smelling High quality autoflowers. I have grown a few autos and know when they are special lol. My wife wants to run just these lol
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