Tips Before Purchasing First Box Mod

May 10, 2019
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What is Box Mod?

While you are thinking to get box mod, you must understand it first what exactly it is. In addition, the box mod is the powerful type of vaporizers and this is the vaping product which has a larger battery as compared to vaping pens and other vaping products.

The vaping products are useful to quit smoking but you have to consider some tips if you are going to purchase box mods. You should first visit the a vape or Cigar shop in Cape May and then ask about the features.
Here are some tips to consider prior to purchasing-:
• You must check for herbs and flavors first on box mod shop. Because box mods are available in many flavors and you should choose according to your taste and need.
• You can also figure your spending plan, no doubt vaping is less expensive as compared to traditional smoking. But some product types are a little expensive due to natural herbs and quality batteries.
• Moreover, you should go for small box mods if you want to carry them with yourself. Larger ones are difficult to carry or keep in the pocket while traveling.
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Products with vegetable glyco is a much healthier option than products with propylene glyco which contains lots of solvents.
Products with vegetable glyco is a much healthier option than products with propylene glyco which contains lots of solvents.


How does one product with 99.9% USP purity have any more impurities(solvents?) than another product with only 99.7% USP purity? Just wondering because I make my own vape juice and my VG is 99.7% pure and my PG is more pure at 99.9%.

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I am referring to vaping (longer term) only and it can impact the lungs according to articles I have read. It's funny that it is used as antifreeze in some industries. Chloroform and Acetone are just two solvents as per Wiki. They also state that it is in the same compounds as alcohols. I'm not a Scientist, but through researching, I know that I don't want it in my system everyday.
I am referring to vaping (longer term) only and it can impact the lungs according to articles I have read. It's funny that it is used as antifreeze in some industries. Chloroform and Acetone are just two solvents as per Wiki. They also state that it is in the same compounds as alcohols. I'm not a Scientist, but through researching, I know that I don't want it in my system everyday.

Fortunately, there is a long medical history of pg being used as an inhalant as it's found in medical inhalers and nebulizers since the 50's. VG, not so much. VG is also an "antifreeze". But it's next to useless to use as an antifreeze because it's so thick. PG is thin, more like water.

VG, of the two, is the newest and less researched substance in terms of inhalation.

To each their own. I'm not a scientist either. PG or VG may be harmful in large amounts over long periods so I will not vape 100% of either. I use 50% of each and reduce the odds that either PG or VG will have a negative effect by 50%. I decided 5 years ago when I started vaping that I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. Especially when PG has the most research/use behind it for inhalation with no known ill effects to this day.

I do know that I don't get sinus infections or conjested lungs anymore(coughs and such).
Propylene glycol in e cigarettes might keep us healthy, says researchers

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