Tincture Thread

my tincture was a mix of 2 strains.1st time no real burn,2nd time was a bit of a burn.i was smoking a bit more 1st time though.
i was under the impression that all the goodness/medicine was in the trich ? rec and med
@Simplicio refers to med to grind and rec crumble,med long soak rec quick washes....an eth or alc hash run is quick quick,and not to rough so not to pull out anything more than whats needed ie the trichs.
i have a bit of a thing for screens so tend to filter the shit out of it.my green dragon was more a gold colour not cloudy.
if theres lots of small plant matter particals in the tincture,are they needed med wise ? the alc will preserve the plant matter i guess,could it also pickle or kinda part fermented which could lead to a bad taste ?
i cant find the Dinafem thing,but did they not have an olive oil recipe that was a bit arse about face to ?
mostly thinking out loud :pass:
A little update from me.
I went to my first session in a float tank yesterday, just to jazz it up a bit, I took 1ml of tincture about an hour before hand......shit on a stick. I knew what to expect from the tincture, the floating bit was new territory, but my god, what a mad experience.
I was already nice and relaxed before getting in, and after 15-20 mins maybe of floating, really relaxing myself, controlling my breathing, I started getting mad light visuals, popping firework lights, and symmetrical shapes, but as soon as I focused on these, bang, they were gone, and I'd have to start again.
I think the tank technique needs practice, I found it difficult to fully relax for extended periods, this can be overcome with practice. Us humans are on the go, screens in our faces, phones, appoinments, money issues ect, so to fully, deeply relax, is gonna take a couple more sessions. When was the last time you had 1 hour, to switch off, and shut out the world, probably never, so I'm glad I took the tincture, that made relaxing a little easier.
I slept like a log, and I feel great this morning, this floating thing could have something

*EDIT* if you'd have asked me 5 years ago to go floating, I'd have said 'shove your new age therapy bullshit where the sun don't shine pal'
I blame Joe Rogan
my tincture was a mix of 2 strains.1st time no real burn,2nd time was a bit of a burn.i was smoking a bit more 1st time though.
i was under the impression that all the goodness/medicine was in the trich ? rec and med
@Simplicio refers to med to grind and rec crumble,med long soak rec quick washes....an eth or alc hash run is quick quick,and not to rough so not to pull out anything more than whats needed ie the trichs.
i have a bit of a thing for screens so tend to filter the shit out of it.my green dragon was more a gold colour not cloudy.
if theres lots of small plant matter particals in the tincture,are they needed med wise ? the alc will preserve the plant matter i guess,could it also pickle or kinda part fermented which could lead to a bad taste ?
i cant find the Dinafem thing,but did they not have an olive oil recipe that was a bit arse about face to ?
mostly thinking out loud :pass:
You are right in a way, that all the goodies are in the trichomes...especially for recreational enjoyment.
Chlorophyll and some of the other stuff has medicinal benefits, but have a strong or bad taste and not needed if all you want is to get high.
So a quick wash or filter screens only get the trichomes.
Without the chlorophyll your green dragon is really a Golden Dragon!
I just made that, I am waiting for the last bit of alcohol to evaporate at the moment. Then we are going to do an experiment with the quantity. I will let you know how it goes in a few days. Locally sourced honey was used and no bees were hurt.
Yes I saw over on the honey tinc thread you keep bees, how wonderful! I bought some locally produced honey this morning from my greengrocer, it was 7 quid for a pound jar.
i spose i have insomnia,it dont bother me much though its all ive ever known.a 2nd nickname at school was baggy (bags under my eyes)
tried yoga and whale music,other than a dry mouth pills from docs done nowt.
i have a tiny speaker in my pillow,found that this kinda stuff is quite soothing turned down real low

i made about 100ml and put it in these 15 or 20ml dropper bottles 15ml dropper bottles.JPG twice before was 10 drops under the tongue,tonight its down the hatch with a cupa tea chaser :cheers:
Yes I saw over on the honey tinc thread you keep bees, how wonderful! I bought some locally produced honey this morning from my greengrocer, it was 7 quid for a pound jar.
Yes it's not cheap, we sell ours for £6.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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