Time to get Mushing.....

yah 16 grams dry is what im hoping which honestly is a super respectable number even if i didnt get any additional flushes from that tray. honestly i think i might end up with another 8-12 grams from it. they are in the food dehydrator now so tomorrow i should have dry weight.
Appreciate the updates looking forward to seeing more of this thread
checked the dehydrator and had around 3-4 grams of water weight still around. i looked around and realized i never turned the heat on my dehydrator up to 120 like i was supposed to so i did that earlier and will check on them this afternoon. that tray got dunked in water for 6 hrs and put back in the chamber. It is starting to pin a little bit and i will post pics when they are worth taking.
just checked in on them and its 16.4g. that is the perfect loss so i put them inside a container with damp rid to hold them over until i decide how to consume them. might do some tomorrow after work with a home boy.
this was your first attempt and you had great success
jakamish high 5
this was your first attempt and you had great success
jakamish high 5
thanks bro but you and one other person helped me realize what bulk method to decide on. so again thanks for the info and i think that i have learned enough to get some heavy weight fruits up. the tray is pinning nicely again so i predict a few more grams coming my way by Saturday. my home boy just took the day off today so the trip session is totally on now. on a lighter note my car decided to spring a leak in a perfectly good tire with 80 percent tread and i dont have my lug key so i get to wait a week for a key and no car lol. good thing i have people that dont mind driving me around since i rarely leave my place anyway.
Thanks man but i don't do anything but copy and paste. Credit goes to the original thread makers and yourself. Looking forward to your aquaponics journey
they were really good shrooms..... 2g doses ended up being totally body stoned for around 5-6 hours. i ended up redosing once more people came over and tripped from 4pm to 1am. 9 hrs of tripping has got me beat today.
Killer man. Nothing like a good mushroom buzz.
they were really good shrooms..... 2g doses ended up being totally body stoned for around 5-6 hours. i ended up redosing once more people came over and tripped from 4pm to 1am. 9 hrs of tripping has got me beat today.
Now try a 2 gram dose of PE. :firedevil: