The RSO Chat Thread -- Phoenix Tears, Hemp Oil, Cannabis Oil, Rick Simpson Oil, etc...


AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
May 26, 2011
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Hello my friends and fellow Medical MJ Advocates! I have been discussing RSO at length with Mossy and a few others and we feel very strongly that it is important that we research it at length. I personally plan on making some and trying it out on myself and my Wife soon as my harvest is ready for it. It will be small test batches to start with and then go from there.

The NUMBER ONE GOAL with this Chat thread is to compile as much information and discuss Hemp Oil (as this is what Rick calls it so that's what I will call it) at length and in the most productive way possible as we believe this is key to healing with Cannabis on an incredible level. So with that I'll ask in advance to keep the discussions on track and try to keep this as non argumentive as possible. I say this because there are some that believe it's a hoax. Some that think THC cannot heal on that level. Some that believe it's all b*llshit. Things of that nature. All I (We) ask is to keep an open mind and if you have some information or studies of links to post and help out by all means PLEASE DO!

I also wanted to start this because BHO, Budder, Wax, Dabs, ETC... IS NOT RSO! This is important to spread throughout or community because making concentrates are extremely dangerous!!! I also understand there are risks in making Hemp Oil (with Naphtha) however we will be using 190 Proof Grain Alcohol when the time comes as it is less volatile and less dangerous. We will discuss this later on... We MAY try 99.999% Isopropyl Alcohol depending on results and further research. The goal is to find an Organic/Natural extractor instead of harsh poisons and chemicals...

My Lady and I have purchased both of Rick's eBooks.. which I will discuss at length here as I read through them. And if anyone is interested in getting them for themselves I will discuss which one is more of an autobiography and which one is the "how to" book. As there is a difference!

I will leave this post with the documentary that I feel is worth the hour to sit back, smoke, and learn about the man, the oil, the TRUE TESTIMONIALS of people who have used it and survived or overcame their medical issues. This oil just doesn't help aide in beating Cancer... it helps to overcome many diseases and ailments. Most importantly we will discuss WHY this is. Because it's very important to understand WHY this Hemp Oil is so important and powerful. The most powerful Cannabis Oil on the planet. I will return with more in a few... In the mean time I'll leave you with RUN FROM THE CURE

RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version - YouTube

Microscope Decarboxylation Temperature - Boiling Points of Cannabinoids, Terpenes and Flavonoids

Hey all

I was doing a little research this morning and came across a great article discussing decarboxylation.

Decarboxylating Cannabis: Turning THCA into THC

It contains lab test results for before / after decarboxylation, as well as this awesome list of boiling points for cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. The list should help to determine the ideal temperature for decarboxylation in order to preserve and enhance the most medicinal properties of our sacred plant.

(Copied and pasted - many thanks to Rambo @ MGHQ!)


THC (?-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)
Boiling point: 157° C / 314.6° Fahrenheit
Properties: Euphoriant, Analgesic, Anti Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiemetic

CBD (cannabidiol)
Boiling point: 160-180°C / 320-356° Fahrenheit
Properties: Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic, Anti Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic

CBN (Cannabinol)
Boiling point: 185°C / 365° Fahrenheit
Properties: Oxidation, breakdown, product, Sedative, Antibiotic

CBC (cannabichromene)
Boiling point: 220° / 428° Fahrenheit
Properties: Anti Inflammatory, Antibiotic, Antifungal

?-8-THC (?-8-tetrahydrocannabinol)
Boiling point: 175-178°C / 347-352.4° Fahrenheit
Properties: Resembles ?-9-THC, Less psychoactive, More stable Antiemetic

THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin)
Boiling point: < 220°C / <428° Fahrenheit
Properties: Analgesic, Euphoriant

Terpenoid Essential Oil Components of Cannabis

Boiling point: 166-168°C / 330.8-334.4° Fahrenheit
Properties: Analgesic. Anti Inflammatory, Antibiotic, Antimutagenic

Boiling point: 119°C / 246.2° Fahrenheit
Properties: Anti Inflammatory, Cytoprotective (gastric mucosa), Antimalarial

Boiling point: 177°C / 350.6° Fahrenheit
Properties: Cannabinoid agonist?, Immune potentiator, Antidepressant, Antimutagenic

Boiling point: 198°C / 388.4° Fahrenheit
Properties: Sedative, Antidepressant, Anxiolytic, Immune potentiator

Boiling point: 224°C / 435.2° Fahrenheit
Properties: Memory booster?, AChE inhibitor, Sedative, Antipyretic

1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol)
Boiling point: 176°C / 348.8° Fahrenheit
Properties: AChE inhibitor, Increases cerebral, blood flow, Stimulant, Antibiotic, Antiviral, Anti Inflammatory, Antinociceptive

Boiling point: 156°C / 312.8° Fahrenheit
Properties: Anti Inflammatory, Bronchodilator, Stimulant, Antibiotic, Antineoplastic, AChE inhibitor

Boiling point: 217-218°C / 422.6-424.4° Fahrenheit
Properties: Sedative, Antibiotic, AChE inhibitor, Antioxidant, Antimalarial

Boiling point: 209°C / 408.2° Fahrenheit
Properties: AChE inhibitor. Antibiotic

Boiling point: 177°C / 350.6° Fahrenheit
Properties: Antibiotic, Anticandidal, AChE inhibitor

Boiling point: 210°C / 410° Fahrenheit
Properties: Antibiotic

Boiling point: 168*C / 334.4° Fahrenheit
Properties: Anti Inflammatory

Flavonoid and Phytosterol Components of Cannabis

Boiling point: 178°C / 352.4° Fahrenheit
Properties: Anxiolytic, Anti Inflammatory, Estrogenic

Boiling point: 250°C / 482° Fahrenheit
Properties: Antioxidant, Antimutagenic, Antiviral, Antineoplastic

Cannflavin A
Boiling point: 182°C / 359.6° Fahrenheit
Properties: COX inhibitor, LO inhibitor

Boiling point: 134°C / 273.2° Fahrenheit
Properties: Anti Inflammatory, 5-a-reductase, inhibitor
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:Holy Moly: :thread:
Excellent stuff Rebel...:thread::pop::slap:
Always interested in this...:pop:
may i suggest 190 proo grain acohol in place of iso or naptha? why introduce posions?

also.. let keep track in these experiments if the source plant material is organic or not.

:2cents: suggestions only its your thread reb..:smokebuds: :pass:
Thank you my friends! Great to have you ALL along!

I am currently getting my next post together and it will be about What Hemp Oil does, why it works, and what is known thus far from those that have actually researched it and studied it.

may i suggest 190 proo grain acohol in place of iso or naptha? why introduce posions?

also.. let keep track in these experiments if the source plant material is organic or not.

:2cents: suggestions only its your thread reb..:smokebuds: :pass:

JM! Awesome to have you here as you a bounty of information my friend and I highly respect and regard your suggestions. to be honest I discussed that with my Wife.. Using Everclear... Only here in WV I can get 151 proof as they outlawed the 190 proof BUT It's not a far drive to a state where I CAN get 190 proof Everclear... If you think this would work then I would totally be 100% for trying that when I run it. I actually am in the process of researching how the Ancient healers extracted it back 1000's of years ago as there were NO chemicals back then... and I was going to introduce that topic for discussion later on as well... As that I'm REALLY interested in knowing and learning about... how the ancients did it...

Thank you my friend! I would LOVE to make this 100% chemical free if at all possible. Absolutely!!
I've been wondering how much cannabis would be needed to make the 60 grams Rick suggests in his documentary. Anyone here try making this before?