The Manic Mushroom

Lets Begin


Fungi Friend
Cultivators Club
Sep 30, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Bourbon Berry
Hey everyone. After scouring my area for some good mushrooms, I've realized I'll need to grow my own. So I did a small amount of research, decided on the PF TEK method for growing. Ordered a bunch of stuff, then, after a little more research, I decided to go with Monotubs instead.

First I bought some spores online from a few different vendors. Golden teacher MSS from one, Wild Texas(Ordered TPE6, got WT) MSS from another, and Albino Penis Envy Reverted Spore Print from a third. GT arrived a few days earlier and found it's way on some Agar on 9-9, 9-12 for WT and APER.

Here they are on the 12th

With my spores down I prepared my tubs. Just some 58qt sterilite tubs from wally world. I have a few strains so I needed a few tubs... so I got 10. Drilled some 1.5" holes. I'll probably cram some poly-fil in the holes, but for now they're just taped up.


Here they are a few days ago, 9-16

Waiting wasn't working out for me so I found some Liquid Cultures on Ebay. Sounded risky so of course I decided it was a great idea. I got Z strain, Jedi Mind Fuck, and some Golden Teacher again, 2 from one vendor and 1 from another.

In the meantime I mixed and sterilized my Spawn. I had already ordered a bunch of Brown Rice Flour and Vermiculite, so I mixed up 14 Quart Jars at 1 part Brown rice flour to 3.5 parts vermiculite. Our pressure cooker is missing some piece so I just steam sterilized for 1.5 hours.


After spending a few hours working, I decided to be lazier from here on out... so I ordered a bunch of bagged up pre sterilized grain spawn and CVG for my bulk substrate.

The liquid cultures arrived today so we inoculated our BRF jars. 5 jars of Z strain, 5 jars Jedi Mind Fuck, and 4 jars Golden Teacher. Also shot a little Z strain into a liquid culture jar I purchased on ebay.



And now we wait...
Hey everyone. After scouring my area for some good mushrooms, I've realized I'll need to grow my own. So I did a small amount of research, decided on the PF TEK method for growing. Ordered a bunch of stuff, then, after a little more research, I decided to go with Monotubs instead.

First I bought some spores online from a few different vendors. Golden teacher MSS from one, Wild Texas(Ordered TPE6, got WT) MSS from another, and Albino Penis Envy Reverted Spore Print from a third. GT arrived a few days earlier and found it's way on some Agar on 9-9, 9-12 for WT and APER.

Here they are on the 12th

With my spores down I prepared my tubs. Just some 58qt sterilite tubs from wally world. I have a few strains so I needed a few tubs... so I got 10. Drilled some 1.5" holes. I'll probably cram some poly-fil in the holes, but for now they're just taped up.


Here they are a few days ago, 9-16

Waiting wasn't working out for me so I found some Liquid Cultures on Ebay. Sounded risky so of course I decided it was a great idea. I got Z strain, Jedi Mind Fuck, and some Golden Teacher again, 2 from one vendor and 1 from another.

In the meantime I mixed and sterilized my Spawn. I had already ordered a bunch of Brown Rice Flour and Vermiculite, so I mixed up 14 Quart Jars at 1 part Brown rice flour to 3.5 parts vermiculite. Our pressure cooker is missing some piece so I just steam sterilized for 1.5 hours.


After spending a few hours working, I decided to be lazier from here on out... so I ordered a bunch of bagged up pre sterilized grain spawn and CVG for my bulk substrate.

The liquid cultures arrived today so we inoculated our BRF jars. 5 jars of Z strain, 5 jars Jedi Mind Fuck, and 4 jars Golden Teacher. Also shot a little Z strain into a liquid culture jar I purchased on ebay.



And now we wait...
I just got myself some albino penis envy. Ate a half 1/8 th Saturday night had a awesome time. Next time im going a whole 1/8th
9-20 Grain arrives and agar work
I've only experienced shrooms a few times, 2 grams at the most. It rarely shows up in my area.

Some Agar and 5lb bags of grain spawn I ordered arrived today.

I realized I shot up all my LC yesterday so I ordered more LC's. I do have this little bit of Z left.

Checked my spores on agar. Something weird on one of the Albino Penis Envy Reverted. So I thought I'd practice some agar work.

I cut out a few small pieces from the center and transferred them to the new agar.


Ok ok, now back to waiting....
9-22 Wild Texas Innoc
So these non inoculated grain spawn bags keep staring at me. Haunting me with their wasted potential. I don't have anymore LC yet, but I do I have a multi spore syringe of Wild Texas, and a print of Albino Penis Envy Reverted. There was a Golden Teacher multi spore syringe but it looked like only water was left. With the APER isolating in new agar cups, I figured I'd give it a bit more time and try to properly isolate one colony. But this Wild Texas is growing... wild... so I decided to shoot up the rest of the MSS directly into a 5lb bag of spawn.



Lets check on our BRF jars.


Now we have 5 jars of Z strain from liquid culture, 5 jars of Jedi Mind Fuck from lc, 4 jars of Golden Teacher from lc, and now 1 bag of Wild Texas from multi spore syringe. I went ahead and ordered some lc's of Enigma, Jack Frost, Ghost, and MVP. I have 8 Monotubs drilled out and ready to go, a couple spare tubs. Not sure exactly how much spawn I'll actually need, aiming for a 1:1-2 Spawn to bulk substrate ratio. And if my math is right I need 2.8 gallons for 3 inches, so 3 to 5 quart jars of spawn per monotub. 4 more bags can be inoculated, and I've ordered 4 more lc's conveniently. I forgot all about the APER when I ordered those, so I'll need to fix up a 9th monotub.

Ok guys I'll probably update again in a few days to inoculate the rest. Then, THEN, I will be patient.
9-24 Ghost arrives and innoculations
Ghost LC arrived today. Injected a little into a grain spawn bag.


Scraped out the mycelium in one of the Albino Penis Envy Reverted agar cups then shot it into a grain bag.


Checked on my Z liquid culture jar, still had the grain bags out so one got shot up with Z.

Lets check our grain jars.





Just waiting on Enigma and Jack Frost to ship now. And for MVP to arrive.
I just got myself some albino penis envy. Ate a half 1/8 th Saturday night had a awesome time. Next time im going a whole 1/8th
My last round with APE's. This is light compared to what I usually do. A few months ago I ate 14 grams and I have never experienced anything even remotely close to that in my life with any psychedelic.
9-26 Cobweb Mold and Agar Transfers
Bad news. We've got cobweb mold. I can spot it in at least half the BRF jars. Took the GT's and found a nice place outside for them. The Z and JMF I left in their jars and sealed them in a bucket, just want to see what happens to them in a couple few weeks.

With my mood down a bit I needed a pick me up. Let's play with some agar. Took the GT petri dish I had from spores and selected a couple small colonies from it and transferred to new agar.


Some kind of booger growing on the side here.


I really love this Albino Penis Envy Reverted, so thick and fluffy. So I transferred one of my remaining 2 cups to a liquid culture jar. I used 18ga needle here, 16 or maybe even 14 would've been better. It was a bit difficult to slurp up the mycelium.



9-29 MVP arrives
Good news. MVP arrived today. A 5 pound colonized bag of MVP. :woohoo1:


Time to prepare the monotub. A 5 pound bag of colonized millet looks like a little more than half the volume of a 5 pound bag of CVG.

The bags of grain I have look closer to a 1 to 1 ratio in volume. Less moisture? Lower density? Bigger grains = more space between? I didn't weigh anything so maybe it's more or less than 5 pounds? Could be any number of things.

I mixed a 5 pound bag of CVG and the colonized millet in my monotub.


That brought it to about 2 inches thick.

I opened the other bag of CVG and sprinkled about a half inch layer on top.

Replaced the packing tape with micropore tape, misted the sides and top, tossed it up on the top shelf, and now we wait.
10-1 updates
It has been about a week since the first round of grain spawn bags were inoculated. Thought I'd check on their progress.

The 2 on the left I got from Amazon are unspecified whole grains. The 2 on the right are millet and whole oat grains from Booming Acres.

Ghost and Z (Amazon whole grains)



I can't see any growth for the Z and Ghost.

Albino Penis Envy Reverted and Wild Texas ( Booming Acres millet and whole oat grains)


Since I was already handling the bags I broke up the mycelium and mixed it up in the bag.

I'm not seeing anything on the Amazon grains, but they are all different varieties. A couple days ago I inoculated a bag of the millet/oat grains with Z and a bag of the Amazon grains with APER. That should give a better idea if the grains are the problem. They were both similarly priced at a little over $3 per pound shipped.

Lets check on our liquid culture jars.

APER at 5 days. You can see a tiny amount of growth at the bottom

Z at 12 days now

Took a peek at our Agar. Looks like that booger from the Golden Teacher petri dish followed us to the new agar. Just tossed them in the trash. I've given up on GT's now.


Next update I'll include the MVP Monotub. Just misting it occasionally right now. I would've ordered another 5 pound colonized bag in a different variety but they're all sold out. I'll probably just order some more bags of grain from Booming Acres. Enigma and Jack Frost haven't arrived or even shipped yet. I'm really interested in enigma so I may source it from another vendor.