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Gotta wear them masks here now. Keeping my ass in the house!!
We have 14 confirmed corona virus related deaths where I am.

Ive left house less then 10 times I think since end of February. I actually had surgery and was in hospital for a few days and have been out of work. The surgery and corona virus are actually reasons why I started growing.

Figure growing medicine for myself ensures I save money, have a clean safe product, and I'll be self sufficient if they make it mandatory for everyone to shelter in place.

Right now everything is closed except essential businesses. I am pretty excited that Monday I get to go back to work! Hoping that I'm not going to hurt myself but I'll be off all restrictions so we'll see how it goes.

Lastly just wanted to say how great of a forum this is! Great sense of community here.
Week 3 lock down: Spain:

Cabin Fever starting to kick in.... :pass: ..I saw the farmer in the orange grove yesterday and I was being...:biggrin:

Last two days figures say we May be reaching the peak...but it has taken a lot longer coming than the rest of Europe.

Hospitals in Madrid over run...but the Capital is the epicentre..and I'm seeing the same photos from hospitals all over the World.

Things are tough...head space...just waiting and wondering...with no end in sight..:pass:...sigh...

The sun is shining...a little time in the garden should give us seperation space...:biggrin:..even the dogs have cabin fever now after being trapped indoors with the bad weather.

How is everyone else holding up....?

@LazyNhazy least you have Good Company....
Same here Mossy the seriousness is finally settling in here. I fear it was a little late for most. But I'm still here and will continue with my social distancing and disinfecting groceries before I bring in house.

We are going to move my mother in law in today, she is living with 2 people who work at a factory that has confirmed cases. I told her she has to self isolate for two weeks and she is cool with it so it won't bother me. Other than that nothing much to report.


Great Plan @Sabelter O Adoob ... :pass: ..just don't Hug a Human.....






Gotta wear them masks here now. Keeping my ass in the house!!

Best place @Bigg Al ..:peek:...USA stats look Bad huh...?..until you look at Italy....Spain...

Italy Infected 124,632: Deaths 15,632: Over 10%

Spain 124,736: Deaths 11,744: Just under 10%

Keep your Ass in the house...:pass: ...

Figure growing medicine for myself ensures I save money, have a clean safe product, and I'll be self sufficient if they make it mandatory for everyone to shelter in pla

Reports from a few places Europe says street bud prices are rocketing @AFNG :watering:...Grow your own Meds...

Same here Mossy the seriousness is finally settling in here. I fear it was a little late for most. But I'm still here and will continue with my social distancing and disinfecting groceries before I bring in house.

We are going to move my mother in law in today, she is living with 2 people who work at a factory that has confirmed cases. I told her she has to self isolate for two weeks and she is cool with it so it won't bother me. Other than that nothing much to report.


Bless your Heart @LazyNhazy Mother is really feeling the isolation...we are getting plenty food in for Bro drops it at the door and leaves.
She is missing the day to day contact.
More frequent phone calls required...
Biggest numbers of deaths & infection rates in the UK, and as it is getting a little warmer people are starting to ignore the distancing rules. 4313 total deaths yesterday.

WAKE UP BRITAIN! If you don't care about yourself, how about your family or friends?

@Mossy I am having to do the same for my parents, disinfect and drop. I haven't hugged my mom in over 2 months. After this I'll make sure to give them both one.
This is a recent interview about a treatment that is being ignored by traditional western medicine.
There Is an ad that plays 1st and it takes them a minute or two to get into the discussion once it does start. Interesting stuff.
