Lighting Tent temp vs leaf canopy temp. Help please

Mar 2, 2023
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My tent runs at 82 degrees . But I put a thermometer at the canopy and it reads 92. What's your thoughts? Is it okay because the thermometer is in the direct light? Or should it still be lower temp? Thanks
HID lamps put out a lot of Infra Red light (heat). Use the back of your hand method to determine your lamp height. Hold your hand palm down at the canopy level if the back of your hand is uncomfortable so are the plants - move the light up. All of the heat generated by HID lamps is the main reason LEDs are so popular. You must deal with all of that heat and get it out of the tent and in many cases out of the lung room as well. Cannabis thrives at 78°F Day and 68°F nights. It will tollerate a much broader temperature range but the yield and/or quality will be effected by temps out of range.
My tent runs at 82 degrees . But I put a thermometer at the canopy and it reads 92. What's your thoughts? Is it okay because the thermometer is in the direct light? Or should it still be lower temp? Thanks
Your canopy is always likely to be at a higher temperature than ambient. I have a fan that turns on 82-84 for humidity control but I'm running cobs. I've never run HID or CMH in a tent because of heat, but if I was I would probably run the exhaust fan constantly. I do run CMH in an outdoors shed and during the summer my fan turns on at 80°F and the plants grow like crazy.

I was forced into a suboptimal growing situation a few months ago and temps regularly got into the 90s and the plants were fine. They're weeds. But like @Mañ'O'Green said, if you run too hot you're going to be hurt in the terpenes department.