Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck and Red Poison - grow #2

Jul 30, 2017
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Hey everyone! I started my 2nd grow on 10-12 by dropping in 2 sweet Trainwreck autos and 2 red poisons, all by sweet seeds. Today is day 12 for them and they are looking pretty good! Here's some stats and things about the grow:

3*3*6 tent
Coco in 3g pots
GH flora trio line
Calmag/silica blast/ great white
4 -55 w autocobs, shout out to @BigSm0
Tap water - pH out of tap - 9.3, nutes bring it down to about 7, pH down to 5.8-5.9.

Things have been going pretty smoothly so far, but I have noticed some things.

I had these spots come in on my last grow with the red poison, and I noticed them on one plant so far. Most of what I read says this is a calcium deficiency, which could be true because I only used 1/2 tsp/gallon at first. Yesterday I gave them a whole tsp so hopefully I will see signs of improvement.

I also have some tips pointing down on other plants, which I assume may be the start of nitrogen toxicity, or maybe overwatering.

Last grow I watered every single day in 5g pots, but had similar symptoms. I went to 3g pots and have been watering every other day, 1/2g each. Is this too much still? I've read of many people watering everyday in Coco and having no problems.

It could be my tap water. I leave it sit for 2 days before using, so the chlorine should be gone, and I don't think we have chloramine in my city.

Anyway, here are the girls. Despite the symptoms, they are still putting sizable growth in everyday.

Sweet Trainwreck is on the left, red poison on the right.


Red Poison


Sweet Trainwreck

Hey everyone! Today is day 18 for the lovely ladies!

I've been taking a pic once a day, and plan on compiling a day to day time lapse when all is said and done.

The Trainwrecks (the left two) are growing great! Had a few slight leaf curls, but no spots and good color. Decided to try the manifold technique on one, so I removed everything but the third node. It doesn't seem to be stressed out much at all. I just topped the other one, so it will be a good test run to see if there is a significant difference in their growth and yield.

The red poisons aren't doing as well. One looks really good with the exception of a few spots here and there, but the other one seems to be on it's way out.

One day I went to water and was trying to move the leaves so they wouldn't get water on them. When I did this, the entire plant rotated 180 degrees, which probably resulted in snapping a lot of it's roots off. This was about 4 days ago, and it hasn't recovered yet. I'm still holding out for it though! Just trying to be extra careful with it.

I seriously can't believe the growth of the Trainwreck, it's looking almost perfectly healthy and happy. The tips are slightly droopy, indicating a potential N toxicity, but that's about it.

Until next week y'all!
Hey everyone! Today is day 25 for the big girls, and the little girl is 7 days old.

So last Tuesday I decided to pull the plug on the sick red posion. Upon examination I realized that I had in fact snapped the stalk way down when I went to water at one point. Oopsie... So in her place I put another Trainwreck in because the other two seem to be doing pretty well.

The Trainwreck that is being manifolded is looking pretty good. I plucked the large fan leaves on it and started LST for everyone. You can't really tell in the pic, but the knuckles on the stems are nice and swollen! I really like the manifolding method so far, you have way less bushiness to deal with.

The other girls are doing good too. They are quite bushy, and I have found some wet leaves due to them laying on top of each other. I've been keeping up on it though, and the LST will help keep them away from each other.

The little one is doing well, does anyone think it's a bit tall? I don't think it is yet, but I've never had a problem with too tall of seedlings. Seems to be doing it's thing though.

Until next time, have a great week EVERYONE!
Hey everyone! Today is day 32 for the big girls, and 14 for the little one.

Ever since I have been growing (since all of June lol) I have had problems in the beginning with leaf curling. The seedlings around day 10 would start to curl, making me think it is some sort of root issue. However,I found this video on YouTube that explains really well why leaf curling happens:

The plant is basically trying to shade the part of the leaf that is used for photosynthesis because the root system isn't fully established, and cannot pull the amount of water the plants needs. This is not a big deal at all, and all it takes is to raise the lights a little bit. Finally found an answer to this one! The little one was experiencing it, and after raising the light and not watering as often, it straightened itself out. Neato!

I now believe all the spotting issues I'm seeing is probably from salt build up in the coco. I just need to be more aware of when to flush, and I believe there are some products on the market that help with this if a regular flush isn't enough.

All that aside, the plants are looking great! They have officially transitioned to flower, and the stretch is on!

I started to use the Lucas formula for my feedings, which with the 3 part GH flora trio series says to omit the grow solution and add more of the micro and bloom. Also uses Epsom salt. After 2 feedings they seem to be doing pretty good!

Until next Monday!
Hey everyone! Today is day 39 for the big girls and 21 for the little one!

I found an article online about the "Lucas formula" this week and have been utilizing it in my grow. I use the GH flora trio, but with this you omit the grow bottle and just use micro and bloom, along with calmag and any other supplements you may be giving. It seems to be working very well for me!

I have been watering every 2-3 days this time around, and I noticed my runoff was quite a bit lower than it was going in. I believe that is from a salt build up, so I gave them a flush today.

I realized that I didn't mainline correctly on the train wreck, so on the younger one I did it properly and she seems to be doing fine.

Things have been going a lot smoother this round, I feel like I'm getting this grow thing down a little more everyday!

The buds on the mainlined train wreck are the biggest so far, and the red poison has tons of bud sites going, and is by far the biggest plant at the moment.

I can't wait to see them towards the end of flower! Until next week!


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Hey everyone! Today is day 46 for the bigger girls and 28 for the little one!

Well, the little girl's branch survived my not so low stress lst, it's just a tad smaller than the other branch, so it's all good!

The bigger girls are doing really well! The top left Trainwreck doesn't have very large buds, but it has a ton of them so that's probably the reason.

The mainlined train wreck has huge buds for it being this young. The smell is amazing, and exactly what I remember train wreck smelling like.

The red poison is rocking and doing it's thang. Tons of buds, awesome color. I noticed today that some of it's leaves had the rust spots on them again so I did a flush today for everyone. Everyone's pH came out at 6 (which is what it went in at), except for the red poison which came out at 5.6. I believe this is telling me there was a salt build up going on, and kind of confirms that with the spots on the leaves.

An another note, I bought enough seeds to last me 10 grows on seedsman. Paid for 20 seeds, got 20 free. 40 seeds for 130.

I ordered (all autos):

pineapple Express
Blue dream
Bubba kush
Sour hound

I also got the Bitcoin bundle (can't remember what it comes with, but it's 8 seeds) and the Cyber sale thing, which is still going on.

I'm just as excited to get my third grow going as I was with my first 2. I don't even know which ones I will try out first!

Anyway, until next time!