Outdoor Still Alive (Day 41) but got flying white bugs ???

May 26, 2016
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Still excited with this grow. My first successful one to date. Got a lotta tiny white bugs flying around and on undersides of the leaves, and on soil. Put some seven dust on the dirt today in hopes to combat whatever they are, but buds are getting bigger as well as the plants themselves. Skinny and tall but got many bud sites on these plants. What are these flying white bugs ? Put all the plants outside this weekend for some light rain before the big rain came. They all seemed to like that rain water before bringing them back in.. I don't like the bugs tho.
Very cool @eddiebud

Rub some Vaseline on the main stems down low. that blocks bugs from walking up the stems.. :pass:
Thast a great idea.. Cleaning up the wild grass around the pots will also help... @eddiebud how are you feeding these ladies!!! :pass:
They only go out every once in a while. I keep them inside of a room built in my greenhouse, so they are not among the wild grasses all the time. I put them there for privacy sake when we get a light rain. I feed them Dyna Bloom since they have bloomed. I fed them Dyna Grow before that. I removed some of the large fan sucker leaves in attempt to give more nutrients to bud production. So far that hasn't caused me any problems that I am aware of. I am always open to instruction, and suggestions.
Sprinkle that diamatacious (sp?) Earth and leave it stay dry on top of the soil. It will shred the bugs bro

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I spread some on the soil yesterday after taking pics and spotting the bugs in the soil. Will it help with the flying bugs at all?