Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

let's order up some weather:
sunny days, cloudy nights
keeps the resin flowing
and the frost outta sight

Thanks so much my friend!! And today despite very adverse weather lately(warm, but 70%+RH and lots of rain) i did a mold inspection on all of the plants, and i am happy to say several are getting close and most are mold free!! Only spotted a bit on the blue widow, the rest are clear of a 10-15branch inspection!
Think Fast first to get the nip


Nice to see some sun after a heavy downpour last night!! It was so windy the buds were fairly dry.



Okay and Atomic is doing okay indeed!! She will be an early cut, but hey the premature bud is super strong, and the budding going on is nice and dense...no mold! :shrug: @Waira - seriously my friend...did i talk this plant into being so mold resistant????? It wouldnt be the first time i have questioned this type of thing!! :D
Anyhow...the ripped side first

Remember i said all was not lost though right? Check this pic of the atomic from the think fasts point of view.

So the buds...not really big but there is a fair share of them!! Damn i wished this plant would have triggered into flower 3 weeks earlier and she could be a legend possibly!!("if" the mold would have held off!!)

Dont mind the frost coloured hairs...might look like its close, but its not.

And the partial Sun garden plants are also getting close...widowbomb is really close and has really done quite well. I dig the floral fruity smell, buds are super dense, but didnt mold bad in limited light with daily dew and no direct sun until 12pm-1pm. Looks like a very solid yield for location. I was crazy worried with this plant when i had to be cutting out a speck of mold several weeks ago, but really she coped with this adverse season very well.




And finally last but certainly not least the dinafem Blue Widow...found a head with some mold in it(so thats the fourth so far), but this plant especially considering location(dampest spot and the least amount of light in the full sun garden as well as the no direct sun until 1-2pm) is doing really quite well. Looks ike another week and a touch if weather holds and i will chop. Widowbomb first likely.

Not as dense as the widowbomb, but buds are larger for sure...smell is excellent....fruity skunky


Ahh yes...forgot...took a couple of pics of some buds

First up the salvaged way premature atomic...holy shit though...i cant believe how potent it is considering the maturity


And mmmmm fruity chronic juice round 2(stuff that wasnt chopped off in the incident) getting close to dry


Ahh FINALLY got a decent pull of a few Kiwi Gold Raspberries...they are soooooooooooooooooo delicious i savor every one!!


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Yes sir! Keep rocking skelly, u got this coming down the home stretch. Will send more sunny karma your way:vibes:

Thanks so much bud...all i need is another 12-16 days(the weather can turn all it wants after 12 days once the last plant is in the doors) and hopefully this season will be finished...planning on cutting hard this week...12 hours trim days minimum until its all done, one after another. Think Fast --> Widowbomb --> Blue Widow and finally Atomic last.
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Thanks so much bud...all i need is another 12-16 days(the weather can turn all it wants after 12 days once the last plant is in the doors) and hopefully this season will be finished...planning on cutting hard this week...12 hours trim days minimum until its all done, one after another. Think Fast --> Widowbomb --> Blue Widow and finally Atomic last.
sending major :vibes: your direction man hope nature will be forgiving for another 2 weeks