SANlight SANlight Q6W test grow

:pop: Subbed and good luck! :headbang:
thanks so much i will try to keep it interesting here are my seedlings that will be potted up this week they are loving the sanlight rays
temp tday lights on with one light powered on is 75f or 23c thats going to be a lot cooler than my old 900w led lights and no noise with these beautiful lights as they are passive cooled i am so impressed with the quality of them plus there modular meaning when newer better tech comes out you can buy just the led modules and upgrade part of your system keeping the rest of the light how cool is that :vibe:anyway i will post soon as i will be potting my seedlings into there 15 ltr pots by the end of the week
nice looking set of lights,that sure is a chunky heat sink :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit.
it is pal the modular thing is unheard off how about that for cool i know there expensive but them features are just one of many great features i can't wait to push these bad boys
ooooo a Remo lover... me too... man we need talk remo and how we are using them
Cool man I will hit you up later I'm on my 4th grow with it now it would need to be something special to make me want to change I get awesome results