Autoflower RQS 2x Mimosa, 1 Orion F1 - First Grow

Jun 28, 2023
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Hello everyone!

Starting my first grow, special thanks to @Jpkindbud @hecno @Rasterman for their opinions on my setup ( The idea of this post is to track my progress, leave my learning from mistakes and successes to help new people in the future and receive criticism from the community. I'll be very happy if you leave your feedback.


  • Tent: V-Box Pro (80x80x160) Evocrop
  • Pots: 3 Fabric pots 15L/3,96
  • Extractor: Cornwall TT-125 Smart Dual 220-280 m3/h
  • Fan: Cornwall Oscillating Spring Fan 22cm 20w
  • GB Lighting Led Panel Pro V2 150W characteristics:

Measures: 28 x28 cm
Full spectrum
322 Samsung CRI90 diodes
Color temperature: 3000K
Beam angle: 120°
Useful life: 60000 hours
Efficiency: 2.2 µmol/
PPF LED: 316,07 μmol/j.
Invertronics drivers EUM
Aluminium dissipator
Dimmer included
Output power: 170W
Input power: 150W
Functioning: 50/ 60 Hz
Voltage: 100-240 V input, 18-54 v output
Case temperature: ≤90ºC.
Environmental temperature: -40° to 60 ° C

Soil 2x Mimosa:
  • LightMix BioBizz,
  • 5g Mycorrhiza,
  • 50g Bat Guano Boom,
  • 46g Easy Boost RQS,
Soil Orion F1:
  • LightMix BioBizz,
  • 5g Mycorrhiza,
  • 75g Bat Guano Boom
  • 13g Easy Boost RQS

Mimosas: RQS Grow Boost and Silica for veg, calmag biobizz preventive, in flowering RQS Thicker flowers (PK 3-5) Sweet Flowers (NPK 1-0-3), Bigger Flowers (NPK 1-0-0)
Orion F1: RQS Grow Boost and Silica for veg, calmag biobizz preventiv, in flowering Bat Guano (NPK 2,4 - 8,2 - 1,2), Bloom Booster Terra Aquatica(General Hydroponics)

First day (07/07):

Temperature 27C, 50 humidity at 10 PM. Light on at maximum 1m from the plant after the first watering of approximately 700ml of water.

I just left the extractor running and at 01:00 I left everything off to raise the humidity and drop the temperature.

Day 2:

Dawned with 24C with humidity at 98, I got close to the 90 humidity level where I wanted. I turned on the extractor.

Humidity 68, temperature 24C. Humidity remained between 60 to 80 until the end of the day, I believe this to be good humidity for growth.

Day 3 and 4:
The sprouts emerged from the soil on day 3, I left the lamp on and it dawned at 30C so I turned on the fan, I dimmed the lamps for about 2h. I turned on the lamp again, 27C, humidity between 40 to 58, closer to 40 most of the time.

BS: In Image 2 firts pots Mimosas and a shy Orion F1


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This first week was challenging. I live in Portugal, and the temperatures are ranging from 18C to 32C, so I had to buy a humidifier as the humidity was between 40% to 50%, and from my research, the ideal would be between 60% to 70%.

Day 5

Temperature 27C - 29C, humidity 40% to 50%. I left a wet water pan and other pots in an attempt to adjust the humidity, to no avail. I tried turning off the extractor and decreasing the intensity of the lights, which raised the humidity to 45%, and I turned off the lamps for about 8 hours with the idea of lowering the temperature and increasing the humidity, reaching 50% with a temperature of 27C.

I know it wasn't ideal to turn off the extractor and leave without air rotation, but I decided to test. I ended up adding another fan inside and managed to keep the humidity at 50%. I watered them with approximately 400ml of water.

Day 6

I bought a humidifier as there was no other way, the humidity was 50% to 70% during the day, I turned off the humidifier until the humidity dropped to 60% then turned it back on. I had to monitor it all day, turning the humidifier on and off as I couldn't maintain it, I tried turning off one fan, increasing the speed of the extractor, but nothing worked well. I went to sleep with the humidifier on, humidity at 60%, and temperature at 26C. From this day, I left the lamps on for 18/6.

Day 7 and 8

Day 7 began with 90% humidity, I was afraid of some damage, and one of them has a very small black spot on the leaf, you can see it in the picture, so I halved the intensity of the lamp. I managed to put the humidifier outside the grow and in this way, it was able to maintain the humidity all the time, I was relieved because I didn't have to adjust the humidifier every 3 hours haha.

During the day, I was able to keep the humidity stabilized from 60% to 70% and the temperature at 26C. I mixed 0.5ml of silica with 1 litre of water from the Boom brand, and watered each plant with 400ml/500ml.

Day 9

It dawned with 60% humidity and a temperature of 25C, phew, I managed to stabilize it! I measured the pH and it was at 7.5, and I added a pH corrector (Bio Nova PH-), the package says 1ml to 2ml per 10L of water, I added 0.40 of the solution which I weighed on a scale (never thought I'd be weighing this kind of thing, it was practically a drop) in 1L water and added a bit to all the plants. I was afraid to give too much water so it was about 200ml in each, I increased the intensity of the light and decided to decrease the intensity of the humidifier since they drank a lot of water
Temperature: 25C to 27CHumidity: 50% to 60%, most of the time 50/55

Day 10 (Today)

It dawned with 55% humidity, temperature 26C, the pH of one of the plants is 7, the others are 7.40 and 7.50, I'm worried about this as I don't want to add water with a solution to adjust the pH as I would like to use Easy Grow in this week's watering, I can't use it with the pH adjuster.

Please help with the issue of the pH 7.5, is it acceptable? Should I correct it as soon as possible? Remember that I added the corrector at night around 10:00 PM and went to measure it at 9:30 AM, I will wait until the end of the day to measure it again. But I plan to water them again on Wednesday, 19/07, with a pH corrector if it doesn't lower.


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Ph , yes you have to work on it , try to at least get it down to 7 , as it is the micronutrients that may become a issue .

With the soil I make I always get a ph of 7 , also be careful with silica as it is very alkaline so you have to be spot on with you Ph when watering , I would recommend using not using it to much , I don't use it at all ,
Ph , yes you have to work on it , try to at least get it down to 7 , as it is the micronutrients that may become a issue .
View attachment 1615561
With the soil I make I always get a ph of 7 , also be careful with silica as it is very alkaline so you have to be spot on with you Ph when watering , I would recommend using not using it to much , I don't use it at all ,
The pH here at my house is 8 😭.

Would it be a good idea to buy a gallon of water? I've heard that it could lack some minerals, but the water at my house has a lot of chlorine.

Day 11
I managed to lower the pH, the mimosa with larger leaves is at 6.2, the mimosa with smaller leaf is at 5.50, and Orion is at 6.00. One of them dropped a bit too much, but I'm not going to water them despite the top layer of soil being dry - if I stick my finger in, it's still moist.

The humidity is at 60% and the temperature is 27-28°C with only one larger fan on. During the next watering, I'll be able to add the easy grow and by the weekend, I'll get back to silica, keeping an eye on the pH, of course.
Day 12
pH 6.5 :yay: in all plants before watering.

Watered with 2 to 3 cups of approximately 300 ml in each plant away from the root with half a tablet of easy grow in 3 liters of water.

Temperature 27C to 29C, humidity 48 to 55 after watering, it was 60 to 65 before, to avoid the risk of having too much water, spent the night without a humidifier on purpose to let the humidity drop.

Day 13
Woke up to 28 degrees, 48% humidity, turned the humidifier back on to get close to 60. The light stayed on all the time, on watering days I usually leave the lamp on for 24 hours, on other days I leave it on 18/6.

Day 14 (07/21)
Today they will "sleep", the humidity woke up at 48, adjusted to stay with 60% humidity all day. I'll bring photos on Sunday!
Day 15
Increased humidity to 70 to test if they grow faster than at 60 humidity, temperature remained between 25C to 27C.

Day 16
They grew well at 70 humidity, I believe it worked well. Keeping humidity at 70, lights 18/6, temperature 25C to 28C, watering of 1.5l distributed among all plants with 1/2 Easy Grow tablet.

Day 17
Keeping humidity at 70, lights 18/6, temperature 25C to 28C.

Day 18 (07/25)
Woke up with 51 humidity, I don't know how long it stayed at this humidity as the humidifier ran out of water overnight. Increased humidity to 70, lights 18/6, and temperature 25C to 28C.

hould I apply LST to the larger mimosa, wait another week for the other two perhaps? I would appreciate your opinion! Should I adjust the light? (photo attached) It is 80cm away from the plants.


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Days 19,20,21
Temperature between 26C to 29C, humidity 50 to 70.

Day 22
ragedy on day 22, I tried to do LST on one of the Mimosas, where I placed a wire on one side, I tried to pull the stem to straighten it with another wire, it was too tight and broke. I wasn't sure if it would be able to reattach, so I took it off. Did I do wrong? If anyone wants to opine.... (second photo)

I noticed burns on them and decreased the lamp intensity, it is not at maximum, but I decreased a little. I left the LED 70cm from the larger Mimosa and Orion about 60cm.

I watered with Easy Grow, 2L of the solution distributed among the plants, still on day 22, temperature between 26C to 28C humidity from 55 to 65.

tristeza total.jpeg

dava para remendar.jpeg It broke in half, I wasn't sure if I could fix it.

mimosa quebrada manchas.jpegmimosa quebrada.jpeg
manchas perto.jpeg i cut this sheet in sunday

I ended up cutting a couple of leaves off because I thought it was Leaf Septoria, but it could be nutrient burn from water droplets. I'm now being more careful when watering. More about the infirmary this link -----> Post Infirmary
Day 24
Temperature 26C to 28C, humidity 60 to 70.

Day 25 (08/01)
I watered the plants with 2L of Easy Grow, 1ml CalMag Biobizz as a preventive measure, pH reducer. With this, the water pH was 5.80. The pots are at 6.10 for Orion and Mimosas at 6.50. In 3 or 4 days I will put silica which will increase its pH, so it's no problem to lower it a bit.

I am worried because the Orion is still very small, I believe it is due to genetics, would more nitrogen be good?

Orion started with soil:

Biobizz LightmixRQS Easy Boost only 13g, the manufacturer said to put 50g but I didn't have enough for the 3, the Mimosas have 50g each.70g bat guano, the manufacturer said to put 50g for every 7 liters, I have 15 liters.

Maybe it's lacking nutrients??? @hecno @Drownomatic @DCLXVI

Easy boost:
Organic Nitrogen (N) 6%
Phosphoric Anhydride (P205) 7%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 12%
Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) 10%
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 2%
Organic material 30%

Easy Grow:
Hydrolyzed Protein 30%
Leonardite Humic Acid 20%
Lithothamnium Seaweeds 20%
Potassium Sulfate 12%
Magnesium Sulfate 3%
Sodium Bicarbonate 15%
I don't see any deficiencies showing on any of them. I'd just give them water for a few days, get the pH adjusted in that 6.0-6.5 range and give them some time. BioBizz lightmix has enough nutrients in it for the first 3-4 weeks on it's own. If you've added more to the soil just give it time to work it's way into the plants.

good luck!
I use Roota Organic Lush, and add compost to that. This soil is capable of water only through the veg, and most of the flower phase.

I don't add nutrients for at least the first 2 weeks, and then start at a quarter of the recommended dose. Autos seem to need less fertilizer than photos.

Its easier to hurt a plant with too much light, water, or nutrients than it is with too little. You can not 'push' the plant with too much of anything.