Protect the guerillia grow against animal


I breed my seeds
Cultivators Club
Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hi my friends
After a short brake i am back with a Guerilla grow. I will usw my own cross to test them outdoor.
The strain is a auto Ak47+ orangeryder generation f3 and a auto ww+orangeryder in generation f3 all are 100% autoflower.

I got a question for protection against animals. I the New area i live with my family are very much bambis and rabbits . a friend told me to use some hair from my dog and put it around the spot. What do you think about the idea or got anybody a better idea......
The seeds are plant on my balcony and if the first pop off i will make the some pics. If they are strong enough i will set Thema out to the spot.

Cu tobe
You can ask your barber to save hair for you, say its to keep rabbits out of your garden, they will ususally do this for free. Also there are some fairly effective sprays you can create. I make one using hot peppers, garlic and egg whites that seems to help. Human urine will also keep deer away. You can just throw a rag on the ground or whatever and piss on it every time you are there, course this will leave DNA material, if you are concerned about that...
At first some infos to the strain.
The seeds i use are from different breeders:
WWauto and AKauto are from Royalqueenseeds.
Lowryder#2 from the Jointdoctor.
Orangebud from Dutchpassion.
THX to the breeders for the good genetics.

The family tree from my project:

The first pics from the WW cross:

The first pic from the AK cross:

Now the pics a few days later.

The WW cross:

The AK cross:

Later i will make new pics.

I also plant 10 more seeds from the AK cross and i will select the best male and female for the next generation of my little breeding project.

ps. I dont have a name for my strains so i need your help.

Cu tobe
Hi Grim Reefer told me this names.
Low Orange Widow
Orange AK Ryder
White Ak Ryder
I will wait a little bit and if anybody has other ideas for a name i will make a vote.
cu tobe
Human hair, bar soap and if you can find fox urine. Gotta be careful with the soap tho, rats like to eat the fat in it. And to be honest any kind of predatory animal urine, sometimes you can find that stuff online for hunting. Why you think I'm called Guerrilla? Lmao
I will be starting my outdoor autos from sprouted seed, in the ground. I will take clear plastic cups and put them upside down over the seeds, with the tops cut off and bottoms about 2 inches below the ground. I will add crushed garlic to the inside of the cups to discourage animals from digging them up and eating my seedlings. Seedlings are like crack for mice and rabbits!!! I will also soak my seeds for 24 hours in a GSE extract and garlic water bath. I started some photos this way last year and it worked well, both plants did good. The extra heat from the 'greenhouse' got the plants going quickly, protected them from the elements, they just grew right out the top after a few weeks and also the plastic collar under the dirt level should protect seedlings from cutworms also!
@Guerrilla and thetreeman

Thanks for your tips. I collect the hair from my dog and from myself. And i talk to a hunter he is a good friend and give me a spray he use for his young trees. He said that will work good.

cu tobe new pics coming later...