Poppin Poppies

Very nice.. Sad to see updates stopped :(

If you have a yard, turn over a one square meter area, lime and compost it. Sprinkle it with poppy seeds this march and you'll have more than you know what to do with. That's what I do.

I just received some Blue PS seeds, but it's too late to start them outside. I grow poppies outside (they are beautiful orange but not opium poppies) that have already long bloomed and not quite to seed yet. And that crop grows easily with no human intervention, too. My plan is to ultimately have an outdoor crop of my orange ones and blue PS in a colorful mix. I think I'm gonna start my blue PS indoors and complete a grow indoors. Save several seeds for planting in the spring outside where they can join my orange poppies.
ill get it going eventually.i was going through a kind of...rough patch if you will lol! but later on ill plan on trying them a cpl different ways.I wasnt feeling all that decent.but not that i do now i just have a better regime along with a solid supply of meds coming that'll last me a good many weeks.all harvested n what have ya.that Sour mango man,thats a fat thick ole half oscar bud atleast LMFAO!!anywho,thx for the interest but its gonna take some time to get back upto things going on n on n things lol.L8r dude!
From this.....

To this.....
apoppy.jpg app1.jpg app2.jpg
And many more. Some pure white and some really beautiful colors and shapes. A real delight to grow. And maybe I will milk a few later on.....eP.
cheers chum,

You can drop them in the fall or do as I did and drop them in spring. I am told that the fall ones will be better. They love a hard winter. Rather them than me.

damn nice.mine musta took 2 months to grow 2" before i kinda gave up on them.maybe they not keen on leds,and high ish temps.
hope they have nice big udders to milk.
Same here archie, then after two months, they took off !!!

Patience my boy.....And I just had them in the green house. Better luck next year. eP.
Well I just thought Id jot down a few words since I planted some Poppy seeds the other day.ill get more info on the type and time were talking but from what I understand you can get them on amazon but the strains I happen to have do produce the opium latex which is illegal to buy and grow but legal to buy and eat.I was suprised to hear you could get them un sterilized to grow.so this should be fun.I got two papa types and a friend bred or gave me his seeds from another seeded bulb he did.and they are slow starters but there get pretty good sized too from what I understand so this is gonna be fun.they'll take right about 7 weeks to even 8 fully seeded and just prior to that for drawing of the goodness i wanna tinker with a wee touch n see if I can get that beautiful blend of hash n opium i had sooo many years ago.man i would prolly feel like a time machine kicked in er something LOL!anywho,ill post some pics once i have something.I really dont know fully what Im walking into yet.LOL!

...Poppies need to be scarified eg: put in the fridge or freezer or sown when its still very cold out like January February is when I sow my poppies make a batch of laudanum every year and that stuff ill kick you in the balls beats any other painkiller or mwedicine bar non and now I know why they outlawed it cuz if they didn't they woudnt be making any money of health care lmao