Pop22's Vape AdventuresI guess this is a combination


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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I guess this is a combination rant, commentary and mini review. I/we are avid vaping enthusiasts. We still smoke but not often maybe a couple times a week. We just enough vaping more. We on mostly use dry herb vapes, I have a pen that can do hash. We don't use vape juice, we feel it's too much work to make, too expensive to buy, and not convinced it's safe.

I love vaping Cannabis. This is the only way to get the real taste of your buds. I've had flavors that have surprised me, sometimes from bud that seems kinda........ ehhhh.. on the sniff test.

I can't smoke a bong anymore either, so I use our tabletop vape with it.

And I'm a gadget junkie and love trying different vapes! I currently have 6 portable vapes. I've probably own most of the popular vapes over the last 5 years. We started with a Hebe Titan II, a cheap little vape that was the first to actually be decent and not burn your weed. It was cheap, i think it was $24.95 on ebay, and it got real hot but it was a start. The we got a... hell don't remember the name, but I was big, like a 3 cell flashlight and looked like a dildo lol! It worked.. bout all i can say, but hey, it was brand new and I got it for $2.00!

Next was a Pinnacle Pro. The Pinnacle was almost.......... a good vape. It was a good effort. It was sleek and stylish, looked like a black cigar. The vapor had flavor but was thin and not quite satisfying. I'd still have it if it had given a decent hit.

Then came the Mighty. There was a lot to like about the Mighty. Big clouds, great taste and and easy, cool draw. The downside: It was a total piece of shit! My first one i gave away. The second one I had to send it back for repair/replacement THREE TIMES! When the 4th one died I said the hell with this!

Then I git my first really good vape. A Focus Vape standard model. This was and still is a great vape. Removable battery, ceramic chamber, Glass mouth piece. The standard had 4 preset temperature. At 390 I could use it with a bong. Ohh we abused that poor little vape! I liked it so much, a month later I bought the Focus Vape Pro, which was and upgrade to an LCD screen, variable temperature in 1 degree increments, haptic feedback. All the features of a much more expensive vape. The Pro cost $130, the standard was $99.00. I still have and use them both a couple times a week. They were our daily vape for almost a year. Best bang for the buck at the time and is still competitive, on par with the Xmax Starry, with cooler vape and a bit easier draw.

I briefly had a Pulsar Curve. it was a nice, small vape. Not much battery life but was very portable. wish it had lasted longer, I liked it

I was offered a deal on a Pax2. I actually had a Pax original also. Hated them both. The Pax two, the first hit I took from it burn my lip so bad I had a blister! I sent that turd back after raising a stink about getting burnt!

Then I got a Boundless CFX. And excellent vape! Good batter life, easy to read
( as in BIG ) LCD screen, good tasting thick vape, I mean this thing could make you choke! A bit on the large size but I had no issues with it. It's only drawback is it's a hard draw. But just go slow and easy and you'll get lots of vapor! I had the CFX until about 6 months ago, when I bought a Boundless Terra. Ohhhh what a nice vape! It was like a CFX with an easier draw, and two replaceable 18650 batteries! It'd a conduction/convection hybrid. Vapor quality is excellent, about the same as the CFX.

BUT............... three months after I bought it I tried to turn it on, I had to do the 5 button press 4-5 times to get it to turn on. When Done, i turned it off, or so I thought! The LCD screen turned off like it should so i thought, ahh just a fluke.
I picked it up an hour later and it was so hot I thought I'd burned my hand! I'm surprised the batteries didn't explode and blow my hand off! I got in contact with boundless and within a week I had a replacement. Kudos to Boundless support!

BUT..... this one lasted a week. Couldn't turn it on then couldn't turn it off. I had to remove the batteries to shut it off. Boundless replaced it again.

STRIKE THREE! The third one lasted three days! The Boundless rep admitted they were having issues with their manufacturer. The rap offered me a CFX with a bong adapter if I wanted as a replacement and I took it! It works just like the one I gave away. I was told I could have another Terra also when the got the issues ironed out. I'll probably keep the CFX, It's a great vape. It's a shame the Terra is such crap. All this just took place over Sept-Oct, just got the CFX last week. They didn't want to old vapes back so I got 6 real nice 18650 batteries from the Terra's too!

I'd been talking with Alex at puffitup.com about the Terra as I'd bought it there. I just wanted him aware of the problems so that he might head off any sales issues. These guys are the best and I love doing business with them. Well they just offered me a deal I couldn't refuse on an Arizer Argo! I said hell yeah! I asked them about the DynaVap VapCap M. I've wanted to try one for ages and having a little extra money, decided to treat myself, and don't you know, they offered me a special deal on that too! Sorry, I was asked not to say the prices. They have very good prices as is and the best customer service there is!

Ohh, I forgot to mention my all time favorite vape, the DaVinci Ascent. It just plain rocked. Like all gadgets, it had a quirk or two but the all glass vapor path alone was worth the price. I had this before the Mighty. Well see if the Argo can take it's place as my top choice! I'll get some pics of the vapes I still have .

About a week ago, got the Arizer Argo I've been looking forward to trying this one! I couldn't see paying the retail price, $249!! It is on sale now for $164.99 on most sites and I find that price a good deal for this vape.

And I must say, I've finally found a vape in the same class as the DaVinci Ascent. I LOVE this vape! It's small, powerful, has an easy draw, great battery life, and the battery is a removable 18650. Battery life is amazingly good. With two of us using it we get 2 days from a battery on average.
( I try to charge my batteries when the hit no lower that 50% )

The Argo is smaller than an Altoids tin. I can hide it in the palm of my hand. The stem only sticks up above the top of the vape by about a 1/2". It has a unique feature, the top of the vape pops up to protect the stem! There's a little button on the back of the vape you press to pop it up. When you go to use it, you just press down on the top.

The glass airpath is wonderful too. The vapor is reasonably cool compared to most vapes. And ohhh is the vapor tasty!
The Argo has customizable settings, similar to the DaVinci ascent. You can even set the shutoff time. The range is 5-15 minutes! Nice if you were sharing with friends, just pack a couple extra stems and swap them as needed!

A couple of minor niggles about this, hey, nothing is perfect! One is, no haptic feedback, no really a big issue, just a feature I've gotten use to. It does beep when it reaches operating temperature. The oven is difficult to clean being deep in the vape. And I wish the stems held just a bit more weed. Nothing deal breaking.

My new CFX, the replacement for the Terra, is collecting dust lol! The Argo is getting a workout for sure. I'll call this my favorite vape IF IT SURVIVES a reasonable amount of time. So far, only my Starry and my Focus Vape Pro have lasted more than a year. A pretty sad state of affairs that I've had several so called "high end" vapes and not a one has last a year, most haven't made it to 6 months! So to get my seal of approval, the Argo best last at least 1 year!

current vapes ( The DaVinci is dead )

vapes pic1.jpg

Arizer Argo

Argo pic1 -10-24-2020.jpg
Hey pop,
Great post! I feel like we are in the same camp. I can't smoke anymore, just vape and use bong attachment with vaping while edibles(chocolate chip cookies) for night time sleep.
My days of rolling j's and popping them Mexican seeds after lighting up and twigs are long gone. Remember when I would buy a oz and find a real bud....ooooowww...like I found a treasure.
As puffitup, you are right- great service and very good prices.
In my flotilla of vape purchases, here are my two go to's----
Xmaxx Starry for travel out in the "real world" and for home the Arizer Solo 2. One drawback to the Solo is small amounts for the glass,, but doesn't bother me. Great vapor and long battery life, but can't be removed, temperature adjustments and display are nice. Sometimes, I can't hear the beep when she's ready, however I'm somewhat hard of hearing. Cleaning is easy and feels nice in the hand----I feel Arizer makes a great product. On a side note the pax 2 has gone by the way side. Furthermore, my son introduced me to the Volcano---the best tasting vapor I have ever had by far---you can really taste the nuances. But, i feel like I'm sucking on mama's milk or a zeppelin----very odd. He also has the Plenty by storz and bickel but needs to plugged in and feels odd.

Nice! I really like the Starry also we too use them for travel and occasionally at home too, just for a change. The Argo is basically a pocket size solo for what I've read. I'm very pleased with it! Boundless offered me a new Terra after they get their manufacturer straightened out. The Terra is a powerhouse with a good sized oven, I liked it, it's just not reliable right now.

Just got my VapCap M 2020.

Hey pop,
Great post! I feel like we are in the same camp. I can't smoke anymore, just vape and use bong attachment with vaping while edibles(chocolate chip cookies) for night time sleep.
My days of rolling j's and popping them Mexican seeds after lighting up and twigs are long gone. Remember when I would buy a oz and find a real bud....ooooowww...like I found a treasure.
As puffitup, you are right- great service and very good prices.
In my flotilla of vape purchases, here are my two go to's----
Xmaxx Starry for travel out in the "real world" and for home the Arizer Solo 2. One drawback to the Solo is small amounts for the glass,, but doesn't bother me. Great vapor and long battery life, but can't be removed, temperature adjustments and display are nice. Sometimes, I can't hear the beep when she's ready, however I'm somewhat hard of hearing. Cleaning is easy and feels nice in the hand----I feel Arizer makes a great product. On a side note the pax 2 has gone by the way side. Furthermore, my son introduced me to the Volcano---the best tasting vapor I have ever had by far---you can really taste the nuances. But, i feel like I'm sucking on mama's milk or a zeppelin----very odd. He also has the Plenty by storz and bickel but needs to plugged in and feels odd.

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Nice! I really like the Starry also we too use them for travel and occasionally at home too, just for a change. The Argo is basically a pocket size solo for what I've read. I'm very pleased with it! Boundless offered me a new Terra after they get their manufacturer straightened out. The Terra is a powerhouse with a good sized oven, I liked it, it's just not reliable right now.

Just got my VapCap M 2020.
I had the Dynavap 2018 M for about a year....couldn't get the hang of it. 1 out of 5 times I would overheat it and burn the material....and it tasted awful.
I gave up on it after buying another cap which I thought it was defective, but found out it was me-operator error i guess.
I ended up tossing it in the trash.
Love to hear of more people joining adn staying in this path... I seldom smoke anymore and only a small toke to try out harvests and see if they burn white (LOL).
In case you ever wanna try something different i've found Healthy Rips vaporizers with glass stem feel to me just like -or a bit better- than the ArGo. Fury is a nice little piece for a portable jsut a shame it's not battery replaceable but the exchange warranty isn't bad to make up for it.
Healthy Rips makes some great vapes for sure! Have a friend inAz that has one and loves it.

We smoke occasionally maybe once or twice a week, joints or our Genius pipe, but that's about it. I really enjoy vaping though. Hell I'd do it just for the taste!

Love to hear of more people joining adn staying in this path... I seldom smoke anymore and only a small toke to try out harvests and see if they burn white (LOL).
In case you ever wanna try something different i've found Healthy Rips vaporizers with glass stem feel to me just like -or a bit better- than the ArGo. Fury is a nice little piece for a portable jsut a shame it's not battery replaceable but the exchange warranty isn't bad to make up for it.
... Hell I'd do it just for the taste!

Oh... ¡those flavors! I'm usually high enough by my 3rd or 4th hit but actually take like 10 more hits just for the flavor.
Solo is small amounts for the glass

The AIR-2 uses the same stems as the Solo-2. I too thought the bowl was small at first, but lately I prefer a series of "green hits" from several half-filled stems. Especially if it is particularly tasty weed like the Blueberry I'll have today. I get way bigger hits packing the elbow screen of my much loved Arizer EQ. They both taste great.

Other than size, the new AIR and Solo have most of the same features as an Argo, but have a bigger bowl and the AIR still slips easily into a pocket. I just wish it beeped when it hits target temp.
Bringing an old (ish) thread back to life.

Boundless have fixed the issues with the Tera. The V3 (which I have) is now a reliable and good quality grass heater upperer. I've had no issues with it, although I have only had it less than 6 months.

The Utillian 722 is also good but major negative with the built in non replaceable battery. I wouldn't buy it again just for the battery reason.

Tried the dynavap m last night. A friend brought his over. He gave me the soldiers five on how to drive it. I will 100% buy one, with a conduction heater and a bubbler mouthpiece (correct term?).

As for the mighty.. that's the Thermomix of the Vaping world. Sure it works well when it works, but is grossly overpriced and just not worth it.
The AIR-2 uses the same stems as the Solo-2. I too thought the bowl was small at first, but lately I prefer a series of "green hits" from several half-filled stems. Especially if it is particularly tasty weed like the Blueberry I'll have today. I get way bigger hits packing the elbow screen of my much loved Arizer EQ. They both taste great.

Other than size, the new AIR and Solo have most of the same features as an Argo, but have a bigger bowl and the AIR still slips easily into a pocket. I just wish it beeped when it hits target temp.
I love my AirII. I have had it for maybe 18 months or more, I can't recall. It gets used pretty close to daily, and still works perfectly. I am no expert on flavor, but it seems excellent to me, and the all glass path is about as good as it can get. One thing I really appreciate about the design is the dead easy cleaning. I just soak the mouthpiece in ISO, and it come out like new with a water rinse. I have not had to clean the main body since I bought the vape, not once. I just have some extra mouthpieces, and have one or two soaking while I use the others. Keeping the vape fresh could not be easier. :biggrin: