
Jun 5, 2012
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Hi all just thought id stick up a few pics I took of my peyote cactus.Shes about 3-4 year old now I bought her in Amsterdam a few years back and shes been sitting on my window sill since. Iv read up a fair bit online about them but just wondering if anyone else here had grown or tryed some & how was ther experience? I had a hit of some dryed and mix with some bud in a bong a few years back. Kinda reminded me of North European liberty caps stong visuals rushs ect.Iv seen plenty of pics online of them in growth stages and after flowering but was wondering if mine are about to flower? I really have no intrest in taking any of it as I think iv gained all the guidance I need from LSD over the years LOL. She has some strange looking growth the past few weeks pics below. Not sure if this is the right place to post this thread so feel free to move it. :peace:


At first glance that first pic reminds me of a mutant ninja turtle :crying: or I'm just very high :D either way that's a nice little cactus mate :smokebuds:
:crying: LOL mutant ninja turtle. No you sound high enough to me Red eyed :thumbs:
I've had some amazing experiences on mescaline although I've never smoked peyote as you did. That is an awesome little cactus, I am truly jealous.
Oh, the things you can buy in Amsterdam.
did a search on line you can buy peyote seed's on line . it only takes three years for them to mature......
i would wait 4 her 2 flower then id hack her up and Brew up some bomb ass Tea. she would let me see into my inner workings quite nicely. thats 1 hell of a find that u have there my guy, damn....
did a search on line you can buy peyote seed's on line . it only takes three years for them to mature......

Sounds like someone needs to cross her with a ruderalis. :howdy:
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@goauto 3 years is a long time for something to go wrong but it's cool you can grow them.

@sticky when I took mescaline we boiled peyote "buttons" into a tea. It made two of my buddies puke but luckily I have a strong stomach. The tea is quite intense :thumbs:
Thanks greenthumper wanted to try mescilane in my teens after watching Fear & loathing in Las Vegas :crying: You want to be a chemist to derive it from them. I was at a rave in spain when I smoked some not sure how they work it, think they dried it. It hit me shit fast within 5 minutes. As far as I know most halousigens are poison I use to puke alot from shrooms in the day always made tea :coffee: :thumbs:

@ Sticky Trichome take it easy if you do try it its VERY strong & thanks

@ Thanks gradolabs the land of the free lol

@ Thanks goauto yea only 3 years :D

@The Horror il leave that up to you maybe feed your plant some peyote tea :stir:

Thanks again all a few of my friends have volunteered to try it il let you know what they think :peace: