Peruvian Torch

Aug 13, 2014
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Peruvian Torch 100 percent Organics , grown outdoors all spring/summer. Indoors they go on an 18/6 cycle under a 400 watt hps.


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Very nice looking...only two more feet to grow :cool:
Yeah they are quite good. Stronger or as strong As all the other cacti I've sampled over the years.
I've played with San Pedro but not the TP...might have to get one. I do have 10yr old SP that is beautiful, it flowers and has given me so many clones that just fall off and start growing. Never used that plant medicinally though after growing him for so long he is more of a companion than medicine.
We've got some san pedro going here, but that's all. How do these compare?
Ive been meaning to vist the ye old San pedro, and or PT. Looks awesome man, Im jealous. How long do thsoe things take to grow 1 feet worth of new growth?
I believe PT is suppose to be much stronger, which mostly equates to needing to consume less. I've got about a foot a year and I am not in desert conditions where I think if you kept them well watered and fed they would grow multiple feet a year. But they pup and break off readily; soon you have a lot of growth all growing about a ft a year.
I love San Pedro for both the plant and effect (haven't had that bitter drink for decades). I think the PT gets a bit bigger too. I started my SP from seed about 36 years ago and still have never seen the flowers. My biggest were about 4.5 feet tall when my first son started toddling around and my wife said 'what happens if he falls into that thing', sigh I cut it up and gave most of it away. Over the years I've given away 50+ feet, but nothing like that outdoor specimen.
An old friend just contacted me a few days ago to remind that his cuttings have put on a few feet and maybe we should go on a trip. Damn, that is a bitter nauseating drink, but you pay up front with the mescaline god and when treated with respect (fasting no alcohol minimum) it can be 'enlightening'. At my age I would only consider it with my oldest and most trusted friends.
Completely agree artcticjake the drink is soooo tough to get down... For me it's a texture issue. Not taste but i flavour it w lemon juice. It's definitely worth it though. Mescaline will surely kick open the doors of perception for you. I treat my Cacti with ultimate respect & love & I feel they pay me back in turn. I will say though I have sampled both Pedro & Torch surely Torch is stronger. It's an all day mescaline lollipopb