Mephisto Genetics Outdoor 2014!

the burlap or woven sacks can work really really well.ya just have to heavy up your soil slightly imo. seemed to work ok when i tried it once.
Wicked I like the raised beds tarps and logs cheap but effective. By the looks you are getting sun from 8 in the morning to 8 at night great location. thumbs up bro. What are you using for ferts?

We are getting direct sun from about 11 until 5 now, was longer in June.
Yes they flew up really, the main time consuming thing was bringing all the soil downthere.

In terms of food, they had the fresh soil which doesn't contain much nutrients, We've top dressed once with worm humus, and twice just recently with powdered bat guano. And that's been it, plain water through the drippers 2-3 times per day for an hour each time, depending on what the weather is saying.

Next year maybe try the non woven grow bags they come in 300 gallon sizes lots of air getting to the root ball I have noticed a huge difference when I changed to them. They are cheap too. just a thought bro

really it was just what was cheaply and readily available too us, it's abit of a ballache to order things from the net.
We will replicate these planters in more locations next year, We've started using them inside with photoperiods too and it really saves a lot of effort and nutrients in comparison to individual pots :)

the burlap or woven sacks can work really really well.ya just have to heavy up your soil slightly imo. seemed to work ok when i tried it

We may well look into the smart pot material and copy some folks over the pond, but again, we will draw conclusions from this years result and rethink over winter :)
Hi Mitch, Are you producing seeds with all of those plants? How any seeds a year do you make? BTW I just tried a little of your Sour Crack from a 6 week old plant, dried out on top of my light for 24 hrs. It was great. Thanks for all of the hard work!:grin:
Hi Mitch, Are you producing seeds with all of those plants? How any seeds a year do you make? BTW I just tried a little of your Sour Crack from a 6 week old plant, dried out on top of my light for 24 hrs. It was great. Thanks for all of the hard work!:grin:

No dude, these plants are primarily for evaluation :p
Testing out our own work, and looking for new candidates within that work from which to develop new autoflower projects.

Last year we probably made 150-200k seeds, photoperiod reg and fems, auto reg and fems, the circumstances were different though.
This years total will be way way way less, but it's all mephisto and quantity isn't a factor.

No problem, glad you enjoyed.
Let us see your photos or verdict once it's ready.

cheers, mitch
Damn Mitch! It's looking like paradise over yonder! Wishing I could join you and get my hands dirty. I'd love to have a garden like that one. keep up the good growing

Growers Love
We are getting direct sun from about 11 until 5 now, was longer in June.
Yes they flew up really, the main time consuming thing was bringing all the soil downthere.

In terms of food, they had the fresh soil which doesn't contain much nutrients, We've top dressed once with worm humus, and twice just recently with powdered bat guano. And that's been it, plain water through the drippers 2-3 times per day for an hour each time, depending on what the weather is saying.

really it was just what was cheaply and readily available too us, it's abit of a ballache to order things from the net.
We will replicate these planters in more locations next year, We've started using them inside with photoperiods too and it really saves a lot of effort and nutrients in comparison to individual pots :)

We may well look into the smart pot material and copy some folks over the pond, but again, we will draw conclusions from this years result and rethink over winter :)
Sorry that is what i was talking about smart pots i have seen them on amazon and ali express 300 plus gallon smart pots just a thought bro. I used the 10 gallon plastic grow bags for years and always end up with a curled ball I tried that smart type pots and found a huge difference in my outdoor garden. But none the less stellar and very little work other than the soil my hat is off to you. I did not realize you are a seed breeder and the person behind the hubbabubbasmellascope. I was just at your site I will definitely be trying some of your autos. kepp up the great work
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thoughts always welcome, we're still learning this whole outdoor game ;)
This weeks update!
Everything is now netted, Everytime I go down I pull a few more branches through where appropriate. Truckin' along now really.

Our widow cheese in the forefront


Skywalker kush - one of the furthest ahead

the white S1 - fast pheno.. cuttings taken :)

And finally, a little peer into the greenhouse, It became a jungle, quite a bit of work to do in there

Cheers all. Mitch
Looking strong and healthy Mitch..a nice jungle forming in the greenhouse too.. (a job for Tim:grin:)..:Sharing One:
Wow, it's so lush and gorgeous like a real life Fern Gully! These updates are always a treat!