Olderfart's rotblock test

And we are off!


DIY whenever possible, and sometimes when it isn't
Cultivators Club
Oct 19, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Various strains, via MCT oil tincture, gummies, dry flower vaping.
This will be where I document my outdoor shelter grow with Rotblock. Both my previous grows in the shelter have developed Botrytis on every plant at mid to late flowering. The shelter is enclosed on three sides, and the one open side can be "closed" with plastic during cool conditions. It is near a swamp, and at times stays >80% RH for days. I learned what guttation is down there.

The strains are 3x Dinamed Auto CBD Kush, plus one of that strain crossed with Dinamed Auto CBD. The medium is a quickie soil mix I put together hoping to set up a water only grow. No time for KIS or super soil, so the mix is intended to keep plants happy until autopot irrigation starts, at which point, some Jobe's tomato sticks in the bottom of the pot will gradually take over. All theory so far, but I am not going to be around continuously this summer to fiddle with nutes and pH, so water only is the only realistic option. I will be around for the first two - three weeks, so will be able to help out as apparently needed for getting things started. I haven't applied Rotblock yet. The product arrived after germination or transplanting, so I will give them their first dose once they get a bit bigger. I will give them regular doses after pre-flowering starts.

At this point the babes are still indoors under LED @ ~ 150 mmols/m2 sec, 24/0, 25C, and ~55%RH. I will move them to the shelter when sub-irrigation starts.

Anyway, here are the babes now in their final pots, the first three are the CBD Kush, the last is the CBD cross. They were transplanted from 4" insta-transplant pots about two days ago. The CBD Kush plants are in 10 gallon fabric pots at ~day 8, the CBD is in 5 gallon at ~day 5. All will be sub-irrigated with autovalves once they have developed far enough (at least the survivors will - the "soil" is a bit of a crap shoot). I had planned to do 2 plants per pot in the 10 gallons, but that was before finding out that I am only allowed four plants here in Canada whether they have THC in them or not. Might as well stay legal.

Dinamed Auto CBD Kush:

Dinamed Auto CBD Kush x Dinamed Auto CBD:

There may be a bit of clawing going on on a couple of the CBD Kush plants, but I will let them go and see if they grow out of it.

Happy growing peeps. :pighug:
Cheers OF, for starting a test thread for Phyter! :d5:

What cultivars did you run last time? I'm wondering how mold resistant these CBDx's are naturally.....

Interesting nute rigging on this, I hope it works well! The release rate, what and when, will be the key factor I imagine...
I was chatting with T20Mendo Adam earlier about how they run their auto's, and he mentioned using a specialty osmocote-like product that has a fast release, NPK staged, over only 2-3 months. It's not sold to the "public" per se, not in small amounts at least!
Given their results with this and another bloom type product in conjunction sometimes, it's was worth a closer look :thumbsup:... I'm mooching a sample off him soon, couple weeks or so... I might run your CBD girl on this!
View attachment 1324545 Cheers OF, for starting a test thread for Phyter! :d5:

What cultivars did you run last time? I'm wondering how mold resistant these CBDx's are naturally.....

Interesting nute rigging on this, I hope it works well! The release rate, what and when, will be the key factor I imagine...
I was chatting with T20Mendo Adam earlier about how they run their auto's, and he mentioned using a specialty osmocote-like product that has a fast release, NPK staged, over only 2-3 months. It's not sold to the "public" per se, not in small amounts at least!
Given their results with this and another bloom type product in conjunction sometimes, it's was worth a closer look :thumbsup:... I'm mooching a sample off him soon, couple weeks or so... I might run your CBD girl on this!
I ran a purple kush I got from tnsb both times. No idea how resistant it is. Conditions in the shelter are regularly really bad, so I doubt anything would be safe down there. If the current girls survive the nute/soil crap shoot the grow should be a good test for Rotblock.

As to the nute setup, it will be interesting. If I get lucky and it works, I will be tempted to go with a repeat next winter. I think autopots will work more reliably with water only if it can be arranged easily. The tomato spikes should be decent npk for budding, and the rest of the mix should get the girls to that point. As you say, it will be all about release rates and timing.

I will keep track of rh in the shelter once the girls get into flowering.

Thanks for checking in and thanks for the rep, much appreciated.:pighug:
Week two-ish update
Here the girls are at Day 18 for the 3 Dinamed Auto CBD Kush at the back, and at Day 15 for the Dinamed Auto CBD Kush x Dinamed Auto CBD in the front.

The CBD Kush plants are runts so far (See @Waira, this is what "runt" means :biggrin:), but it is too late for me to do anything other than grow them out and see what they do. The CBD cross is doing fine. The reason for stunting in the back 3 is not clear, but they seem to have perked up some since I gave them their first serious watering. It is possible that they got a bit dry. I was trying hard to avoid overwatering them in the large pots. Or maybe the soil mix is a problem. The 3 runts have a slightly different mix than the larger plant. Whatever, at this point, they will do what they do.

Light is now up to ~350-400 mmols/sqm - sec, but backed of to 20/4 timing. I will move them to the outdoor shelter sometime in the next week or so after I introduce them to lights out and crank the light up a bit more. They will go on sub-irrigation of water only when I move them.

Happy growing peeps.:pighug:
:passit: hey brudda OF! ..... OK I stand corrected- :rofl: .... the usual suspects are low T's and/or not enough right-now nutes, not a defc. issue per se, but the plants just not out pacing their supply so they stay small but "symptom free".... I figure your T's are fine, so my best guess is the soil isn't quite rich enough to support faster better growth right off the bat?
I stay 20/4 or dwon to 18/6 in bloom,... 24/0 is of no advantage if everything else isn't super-dialed in, the limiting factors type of deal in play here,... Plus, I've tried 24/0, and found the results to not be nearly worth the energy/$ to justify what dubious yield increase is claimed to be associated with it,.. Only under the most extreme, super dialed in conditions have I seem 24/0 be worth it,... for example: a hydro master blowing auto's up to incredible proportions (Grey Bear, long gone now), even the breeders were floored!
:passit: hey brudda OF! ..... OK I stand corrected- :rofl: .... the usual suspects are low T's and/or not enough right-now nutes, not a defc. issue per se, but the plants just not out pacing their supply so they stay small but "symptom free".... I figure your T's are fine, so my best guess is the soil isn't quite rich enough to support faster better growth right off the bat?
I stay 20/4 or dwon to 18/6 in bloom,... 24/0 is of no advantage if everything else isn't super-dialed in, the limiting factors type of deal in play here,... Plus, I've tried 24/0, and found the results to not be nearly worth the energy/$ to justify what dubious yield increase is claimed to be associated with it,.. Only under the most extreme, super dialed in conditions have I seem 24/0 be worth it,... for example: a hydro master blowing auto's up to incredible proportions (Grey Bear, long gone now), even the breeders were floored!
I put them on 20/4 yesterday, where they will stay until they head outside. The weather has been cold and wet lately, so they will stay indoors for now. They will get their first taste of overnight outdoor temps soon, and I doubt that they will like them. :goodluck:

As to the right now nutes, that could be part of the picture, but they did get a low dose of MCII at ~300-400 EC, and the soil mix has lots of EWC mixed in, so I would have thought they would be good for a couple weeks at least. The difference between the 3 runts and their thriving sister is still a puzzle to me. It will be interesting to see what the runts manage to do over the next few weeks.

The CBD cross girl had her head chopped today. I couldn't help myself. :biggrin:
Week three-ish update
All the girls are in their final home in the shelter, and on autovalve irrigation. Temps in there range from about 9C overnight to high 20's C during the day. RH max over the last couple nights in the shelter has been 99% (it has been a bit wet of late...) Did I mention that this will be a decent test of Rotblock?

Here they are in all their glory, three runts, and one not so runty. The runts are all Dinamed Auto CBD Kush (@22 days), the bigger plant is a cross between that strain and Dinamed Auto CBD (@25days), both more or less pure CBD with negligible THC - the dearest is going to run out of sleepytime tincture if these plants don't make it :biggrin: :goodluck: The runts have shown their sex, the larger not yet.


The larger girl is in a 5 gallon fabric pot, the runts each have 10 gallons, not that they seem to have any intention of using much of it. These would be optimistic US gallons. :biggrin:

All the girls got their first soaking with Rotblock today. I had a half liter left, so they got a bit of a root drench as well. One liter of mix would do three or four good sized plants, so the container of Rotblock Phyter sent will go a long way.

Happy growing peeps. :pighug:
Might you sneak another seedling or two into those 10's? Our Aunty Mossy is a multi-pot master, and in the past, ones I ran in multi's did pretty well,... If your gal needs the meds, you should consider trying :eyebrows:

Any chance you can rig a small fan into there OF?
Might you sneak another seedling or two into those 10's? Our Aunty Mossy is a multi-pot master, and in the past, ones I ran in multi's did pretty well,... If your gal needs the meds, you should consider trying :eyebrows:

Any chance you can rig a small fan into there OF?
I considered multi pots, but given that the shelter is outdoors and could be discovered by nosy teenage neighbours, I elected to stay legal with 4 plants. Overkill perhaps, but that was the decision. If these four make it, I should get enough to keep the dearest in tincture until the indoor harvest comes in this winter.

As to the fan, I did that in the last attempt, and may do the same again. I'm still undecided. The last time, the fan died while I was away, and that is when the Botrytis took off - early harvest of what I could salvage was not long thereafter. The thinking cap is still on.

By the way, the bigger girl showed her gender today. All girls, not that that should be a surprize. The bigger girl is going to be a serious stinker, not like the original Dinamed Auto CBD Kush at all. Rank, as in road kill skunk. :biggrin: I'll need to do a careful vape test before making assumptions re. THC content when mixing the dearest's tincture.

The other news is that the runts seem, to my inexperienced eye, to be pulling up their skirts a bit. They might actually do at least a little something... The big girl is going for it and could get to be a nice plant.

Thanks for checking in again @Waira, and for the rep points, much appreciated on both counts.