Olderfart is in the infirmary again.


DIY whenever possible, and sometimes when it isn't
Cultivators Club
Oct 19, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Various strains, via MCT oil tincture, gummies, dry flower vaping.
Still dealing with issues, and the problem is now with two plants.

-Problem: Strawberry Cheesecake still eating lower fans, all leaves still seem a bit light in color to me, some showing signs of deficiency, maybe calcium and/or magnesium. CDLC cross is starting to lighten a few lower fans, and some leaves show signs of deficiency, again maybe calcium and/or magnesium.
-Medium/grow method: SS#4, plus ~30% perlite in most of pot, plus ~50% in the autopot flood zone in the ~5cm or so in the bottom of the pot.
-Feed and supplements used: MC version two, BE, yucca, fulvic.
-Water source: Melted snow, EC ~30-40 (likely lower of late)
-Strain and age: Seedsman Auto Strawberry Cheesecake and Mephisto Genetics CDLCx3Bog cross, both now at day 54.
-Climate: Temps controlled at ~24C (max ~28, min. ~21) day and night, RH almost always between 40 and 55%, with brief excursions to either side.
- Light used: Diy screw in array, mix of 5000K and 2700K, currently at ~ 350watts total for ~9 sq ft, ~34" or so from top of canopy of the two problem plants. Previously ~ 450 watts but reduced lately.
-Additional info: Issues with the Strawberry Cheesecake have been going on for a while. The history is as follows:

- gradual increase of nutes from ~360EC to ~750EC by day 35. pH started at ~6.5, and was at 6.2 by day 35. The nute mix was primarily MC with cal mag accounting for ~20% of final EC. A bit of fulvic and kelp was added to the mix later. I saw hints of mag deficiency, hence the cal mag.

- By Day 38, the plant was showing light green new growth, and light green lower fans. Given the relatively low EC input, I suspected a lockout caused by nute imbalance/overfeed, or soil pH issues, so I flushed with multiple volumes of pH'ed nute mix to get the medium into spec. PH of the runoff was fine, I thought, at ~2.3 which was pretty much the same as input, but EC was >1450, far higher than input. I figured that I needed to get the EC down, but did not want to overdo it at once, so I flushed to ~950EC, and then did a final fertigation with fresh mix at that strength. The new mix was ~55EC Cal Mag, 600 EC MC, 220 EC BE (flowering now well started), 35EC kelp, fulvic, and yucca, mixed in ~40EC water. Once this was top watered in, the plant was left to dry out.

- Mix since this first flush was ~950EC, pH varied deliberately between 6.25 and 6.4.

- By day 47, the colour of new growth had not improved, and she was still eating lower fans. To make matters even more confusing, I saw initial signs of nute burn on this plant and the CDLC on the same reservoir. I suspected that she was locked out from being overfed instead of underfed which might otherwise account for eating the lower fans. Absent contrary advice, I flushed her again, and took the mix down to ~750 EC, all MC with a bit of BE.

- since the second flush there has been negligible improvement, she is still eating lower fans, most fans look light colored to me, and some fans look like they are suffering from specific deficiency, perhaps calcium, magnesium. or both.

History of the CDLC cross is the same except that she didn't show obvious symptoms of nute problems until recently, and she was flushed only once at Day 47. The flush was pre-emptive to make sure that she was not being hit too hard with high EC. She took only about half the nute mix to bring runoff into spec, but as was the case with the Strawberry Cheesecake, initial runoff was a lot higher than nute input. It now appears to me that CDLC is just starting to chew on her fans, and further, that some fans are showing signs of possible calcium and/or magnesium deficiency just like the Strawberry Cheesecake, only a bit later.

My reading of all this is now that the two older plants may be hungry, not overfed. They have been at ~700 EC or so since the last flush. This is only 350 ppm, a fraction of what many growers here use. Even the previous high of ~900EC (450ppm) was still low by general standards.

Any help would be appreciated. Absent other suggestions, I will likely try higher EC nutes on the two problem plants, and maybe the Northern lights, but irrigate the cbd mom manually at current EC levels of ~700EC (350ppm) until she shows signs of needing more.

Photos follow.

Seedsman Strawberry Cheesecake Auto:

Strawberry cheesecake2.jpg

a few of her lower fans:


The CDLC cross:
CDLC cross.jpg

And a few of the problem fans:

Yeah, I know that the CDLC looks over or underwatered. I chased that for a while and concluded it is genetics, not watering. She has been growing fine in spite of the droopy leaves, so I gave up trying to fix it.
Im gonna wait for one of the mega crop experts chime in... One thing Im confused about is your ec/ppm numbers .. Ec has a decimal in it.. ie 1.4.. Ppm is usually 3-4 digits with no decimal.. ie 750 ppms..
I think you may be looking at a couple of things here. The lower leaves you say are being eaten may have just served their purpose. The penetration power of the spectrum of your lights is unknown and maybe the leaves just did not get enough light for them to be useful so the plant takes what it can? By chasing that you have gotten out of balance in the pot. I think you have gone too high Potassium which lock up some phosphorus.

This is the suggested ratio for Part A and Part B for flower by GreenLeaf. If you are running MC 2 part at 70% strength How much calcium do you have? I think you may be over on it also?

But with the BE you will be way over on the potassium and close or over on the Phosphorus as well.

ScreenHunter_312 Jan. 01 20.45.jpg

.70*90= 63mg/liter I don't know exactly what you mean by 55EC Cal mag (.055, .55 or 5.5?) So You might be over?

Nutrient Guide.jpg

So do you understand that it is the % of each element in the mix that needs to be in balance with all of the others. The overall PPM is just a dilution rate; a gallon of 1000PPM is 500PPM at 2 gallons.


Your snow is a wild card also? It really should be nearly zero PPM.
Probably way off, but what are your high & low temps. I have a very simular issue, due to cold atm.
Im gonna wait for one of the mega crop experts chime in... One thing Im confused about is your ec/ppm numbers .. Ec has a decimal in it.. ie 1.4.. Ppm is usually 3-4 digits with no decimal.. ie 750 ppms..
EC expressed in millisiemens would be 1.4, in microsiemens, which my meter reads in, the same thing is 1400. :biggrin: Bit of a pain in the butt, but not as bad as the various conversion factors with ppm.
Probably way off, but what are your high & low temps. I have a very simular issue, due to cold atm.
Temps are good, controlled by an Inkbird, and kept the same during lights off.
I think you may be looking at a couple of things here. The lower leaves you say are being eaten may have just served their purpose. The penetration power of the spectrum of your lights is unknown and maybe the leaves just did not get enough light for them to be useful so the plant takes what it can? By chasing that you have gotten out of balance in the pot. I think you have gone too high Potassium which lock up some phosphorus.

This is the suggested ratio for Part A and Part B for flower by GreenLeaf. If you are running MC 2 part at 70% strength How much calcium do you have? I think you may be over on it also?

But with the BE you will be way over on the potassium and close or over on the Phosphorus as well.

View attachment 1271552

.70*90= 63mg/liter I don't know exactly what you mean by 55EC Cal mag (.055, .55 or 5.5?) So You might be over?

View attachment 1271553

So do you understand that it is the % of each element in the mix that needs to be in balance with all of the others. The overall PPM is just a dilution rate; a gallon of 1000PPM is 500PPM at 2 gallons.


Your snow is a wild card also? It really should be nearly zero PPM.
My MC is the second generation single part. The added BE is at ~ 1g BE/5g MC. The info I could find suggests that this should be in range for a flowering mix. Do you think I should ditch the BE and just use the 1 part MC? I am a bit concerned that this would be a tad shy in phosphorus for flowering due to the ratios in the single part mix. I was adding cal mag initially, but have not used it in weeks. Recent fertigations include only the calcium in the single part MC. Given the snow water and LED's that is why I was a bit suspicious that a deficiency of calcium is one of the possibilities.

The snow is likely better EC than I listed now, as I mentioned on the last thread, my earlier snow collection had more needles and bits of vegetation in it. Now that I have more snow to collect from, it will be lower. I am in a rural area with no industrial influence, so the snow should be ok.

Thanks for the help @Mañ'O'Green, I appreciate it. Shoot me any further questions you may have, and I will do my best to give you the information. :thanks:
I’ve used MegaCrop and Bud explosion for the last 3 years exclusively and do end up with fan leaves dropping off. Your plants look like they need more food., Here’s a pic of what I just cut down Wednesday.


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I’ve used MegaCrop and Bud explosion for the last 3 years exclusively and do end up with fan leaves dropping off. Your plants look like they need more food., Here’s a pic of what I just cut down Wednesday.
Hi, and thanks for the feedback. I suspect the same as you do, but want to get all the feedback I can before trying to fix things. Fan issues or no, it looks like you got a good harvest. :biggrin:

Thanks again for posting. :thanks:
@Olderfart my pleasure to help if I can. I do know that ph issues can always alter nutrient uptake so I would before adding anything check that first. In my beginnings I didn’t check ph because I used distilled water and didn’t think to check it. Damn I was so wrong. Blue catfish 18 & 24 pounder


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Temps are good, controlled by an Inkbird, and kept the same during lights off.

My MC is the second generation single part. The added BE is at ~ 1g BE/5g MC. The info I could find suggests that this should be in range for a flowering mix. Do you think I should ditch the BE and just use the 1 part MC? I am a bit concerned that this would be a tad shy in phosphorus for flowering due to the ratios in the single part mix. I was adding cal mag initially, but have not used it in weeks. Recent fertigations include only the calcium in the single part MC. Given the snow water and LED's that is why I was a bit suspicious that a deficiency of calcium is one of the possibilities.

The snow is likely better EC than I listed now, as I mentioned on the last thread, my earlier snow collection had more needles and bits of vegetation in it. Now that I have more snow to collect from, it will be lower. I am in a rural area with no industrial influence, so the snow should be ok.

Thanks for the help @Mañ'O'Green, I appreciate it. Shoot me any further questions you may have, and I will do my best to give you the information. :thanks:
ScreenHunter_186 Mar. 31 18.03.jpg

I think this is the version 2? 10-7-18 should be plenty for flower on the P-K. Using the snow you might need just a little bit of calcium. The thing is the plants look like you are experiencing phosphorus lock out from too much potassium so stop the BE.