Fast Buds Nizmo's FastBuds adventures


bluntts to the rescue!!!
Cultivators Club
Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
What's up y'all I just dropped a kosher cake auto into a small red solo shot cup with warm water to start this new FB grow.

Light will be a @marsFC3000 ( later it will be a ts1000 because I'm using the fc for some photoperiod)
Tent is a 2.7x2.7 for now and later it will be moved to a @Marshydro 2.3x2.3 tent.

As far as nutrients go all I'm using is buildasoil craft blend and buildaflower.
I have bokashi and some azomite as well.

I just re amended the soil after probably 1 year and half of growing without removing so you could say no till for that time.
Btw it's a 5gallon fabric pot

So that's all for now thanks for stopping by.
What's up y'all I just dropped a kosher cake auto into a small red solo shot cup with warm water to start this new FB grow.

Light will be a @marsFC3000 ( later it will be a ts1000 because I'm using the fc for some photoperiod)
Tent is a 2.7x2.7 for now and later it will be moved to a @Marshydro 2.3x2.3 tent.

As far as nutrients go all I'm using is buildasoil craft blend and buildaflower.
I have bokashi and some azomite as well.

I just re amended the soil after probably 1 year and half of growing without removing so you could say no till for that time.
Btw it's a 5gallon fabric pot

So that's all for now thanks for stopping by.
That's a nice light bud! I was looking at that 1, but went with the SP 3000.
Lack of updates due to first seed not making it after germ somehow the taproot grew weird or got broken. Second kosher cake Is in soil and waiting.
Sep 4 was the day I'm counting as day 1 so we on day 2 or 3 :rofl: :baked: :jointman:
kosher cake auto @Fast Buds Heather
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