Night Owl Seeds New to Night Owl and have a newb question

Nov 17, 2021
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So I just managed to pull my head out of my @ss and research seeds. I had been buying sh*t seeds from sh*t vendors. Just part of the learning curve.
I just discovered Night Owl while watching a Dark Horse podcast, the main man with Night Owl was on the show. Im not real familiar with what they specifically produce or are known for.

In the podcast there was talk of Auto Regs. I understand what a Reg seed is, and I understand what an Auto seed is, however I have no knowledge or experience with an Auto Reg seed. So these work just as Autos do and will flower within a given period of time automatically? And because they are Reg's the plant that flowers might be a male plant or might be a female plant?

Sorry for the basic question, I couldnt really find a satisfactory answer browsing
And get your hands on some mephisto genetics they pretty much top of the line when it comes to autos. Daz from nightowl is from mephisto so he will have alot of crosses with meph gear.
you got autos (day neutral) and photos (need twelve hours if darkness to flower)

and you got regs (natural mix of male and female seeds) and fems (chemically forced 100% female)

so you can have auto fems, auto regs, photo fems, photo regs.