New Grower New grower vast and vast auto

I am not sure how I forgot to mention Heisenberg Tea. This stuff is GREAT for your plants overall health. I use an old sock as the tea bag. Add 1c worm castings and 1c compost to tea bag, and hang bag in 5g bucket of water. Add 2 tbsp of molasses to a cup of warm water to dissolve, and add to the 5g bucket. Aerate the water with a air pump for 48 hours. Add I cup tea per gallon of res. You will have some healthy, happy plants! If you don't need that much tea, just scale it down to 1g. Use maybe 1/4 of the ingredients, and use tea asap..... at least within 24 hours. You will probably hear that you should only use bottled nutes specifically made for hydro. Not true, but I will add a link to an expert in this area.

DIY Tea Brewer


Once I started doing this, the dwc issues were a thing of the past. Hope this helps.
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Great article.
Now I am tempted to try it out...
Ok well I’m two days the right plant went completely dead nothing I did seem to slow or stop whatever it was. The left plant started getting heavy nute burnso I quickly changed out the rez and cleaned everything so now I’m down to the good plant and I’m hoping That fixed the issue. I’ll have picture of the good plant later
Another problem is now my good plant doesn’t wanna stand up it wants to fall in all directions I don’t know why it happened once I pulled it out of the tent. Can someone help me figure out how to get it back up? Do I need to tie them up or maybe a tomato cage or something ugh why now it doesn’t have much longer to go....


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Tie them up.

Plant yoyo's are cheap - a few $$ each (if that)
If you don't have any, use some string/cord to tie individual stems to your tent frame until you get some
It is probably easier to get a SCROG net (with big enough holes to fit your colas into).
Slide it down over the plant until the top 1/3rd of the colas are being supported.
Well in two days I’ll make a scrog but right now I tied her up a little to get most of the colas toward the light. Just hope it makes it to finish the browsing has stopped I think


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Day 65. I’ll have pictures up later. I wanna thank everyone who helped right when I had my major issue. The leafs seems to stop browning and the bud seems to be growing again even though she’s tied up all funny like at the moment tell I have more time to put up a proper scrog. Lowered the lights to bring them closer the the bud. Just hoping I can keep it happy tell I can harvest.
When it is inconvenient to cycle off lights to take pictures, I'll just shoot through my grow glasses. Example below


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When it is inconvenient to cycle off lights to take pictures, I'll just shoot through my grow glasses. Example below
Mine are auto and the lights go off for just a few seconds to snap that photos. Is that a app? Sorry not sure what what your trying to tell me lol
Day 65


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