Need help with some mystery mushies!



Hey guys, so here's the story. I was hauling some trash to the dump this evening. I threw a bag and it missed. So I finished with what was on the truck, jumped down, walked around the dumpster to grab the bag that missed and saw these little guys all over the place!! Every single one of them was growing in clusters out of some old stumps that were laying there. I have NO clue what kind these are and I need help identifying them. I'm hoping they're magic mushrooms of course but I'm not eating them unless I'm positive. You guys please help me out with this. I live on the east coast, near mountains and right now were beginning to get into fall here if this helps.

Without further ado here they are:

I have no idea, but I know that if they contain psylocybin the stems will turn intensely blue when bruised. If they don't, definitely throw them away and wash your hands!
THrow them away is my suggestion...... I'll see if piggy knows.
Sue-eeeeeeeeeee pig you out there
cool and maybe edible, but would not take the chance without positive ID.
I have no idea, but I know that if they contain psylocybin the stems will turn intensely blue when bruised. If they don't, definitely throw them away and wash your hands!

Not necessarily true on the bluing. Some don't bruise blue at all. Don't worry about hand washing either, mushrooms will only poison you if you put them in your mouth and eat them.

To the OP:

Try breaking one of the stems open. If the pith is white and stringy I think they're honey mushrooms, an edible. If it's not them it could be some kind of pholiota sp.

I do not advise eating a mushroom because of one of my IDs, I am not a mycologist.
Thanks piggy!! I'll grab one and snap it open and take a look. These honey mushrooms, and psilocyin in them??
I love mushroom hunting - I pick, eat and jar quite a few every fall (Pines, Chanterelles, Oysters and Lobsters mainly). I also sell to commercial buyers in years when the bloom is a good one.

But - I don't take chances with them. I know the ones in my area that are edible - and if I'm not 100% positive, I pass them by.

Some are delicious, some will give you indigestion, some will make you sick, some will get you high - and a few will kill you dead.

I'm not sure which variety you have there - but I'm almost certain they're not Psilocybin - or at least any type of "magic mushroom" that I'm familiar with.

If I might offer a little advise - get a good mushroom ID guide specific to your area ("All That The Rain Promises And More" is always in my pack when picking in my local woods) - be 100% sure of what you are picking - and don't take chances (and I can't stress that last enough).
No, it's just yummy.

And like I said before I'm not a mycologist or trusted identifier so don't eat one on my word.

Well I grabbed a stem and pulled it apart. Sure enough it white and stringy. Also, they have a somewhat sweet smell to them.