Harvest & Curing Mold

Checked two of my stash bags today and it was covered in mold, it's been in the grove bags 4 and 6 weeks.
Thought this couldn't happen.
Never used those . Wanted to try them at one point but this sealed the deal to stay far away
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Sorry about your stash, that really sucks... But getting mold that quickly would make me think something else than just a failure of the Grove bag happened...
Questions I would ask myself in your situation:
Was the bud properly died before I bagged it?
Could I have had mold on the buds that I didn't see before bagging it? Botyritis spores can be invisible.
What was the environment they were stored in? I know they reccomend keeping them withing a certain temperature range.
Nothing is 100%, but I know plenty of people use them to great results Hope you get it sorted out, and hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in.
Checked two of my stash bags today and it was covered in mold, it's been in the grove bags 4 and 6 weeks.
Thought this couldn't happen.
That sucks. Grove bags work, sometimes at least, but they have limitations. One of which is that weed eventually dries out in them if outside humidity is low - this I have confirmed for myself, much to my annoyance. The other might be that bud might re-hydrate in them in excess outside humidity. The two way humidification/dehumidification has limits it seems, and allowing moisture in as well as out might be one of them.

IMO, either the bud went in too wet (easy enough to do), or it got wetter after being in there due to excess humidity in the storage area. When you first load the bags, you should include a hygrometer and if humidity rises much above the target 62%, you need to open the bag up for a bit. It is very common for bud to still have moisture deep inside or in stems that continues to escape after the bud seems dry.

If your storage area stays very humid for a long time, you might want to find another place to store it. Once cured, I store my weed in glass mason jars in the freezer, and it last well with no mold risk in there. If you freeze bud, just thaw the container thoroughly before removing bud. If you open the container too early, you will get condensation on the bud, and you know where that may lead. You also need to be gentle with the jar while it is frozen if you don't want to knock off those frozen trichs.

Good luck with it, I hope you didn't lose too much of your stash. :pighug:
I've had really good experience with Grove bags so far. I did find mold in one bag. That one was some larger denser buds that hadn't dried enough. Definitely important to get the buds dry enough before bagging.

I do now tend to slightly overdry and drop a Boveda pack in the bag.
That's really unfortunate sorry about losing your bud! I've had great success with my grove bags with dozens of plants. Like others have said I would say it went in too wet. I usually bag mine right at 64-62%rh and I've never had mold.
Checked two of my stash bags today and it was covered in mold, it's been in the grove bags 4 and 6 weeks.
Thought this couldn't happen.
it was probably already going a touch moldy before they went into the bags mold usually starts on the inside of the bud on the stem so its already to late when you finally see it
iv had jars do the same thing on me
I always have a couple boveda packs and a mini hydrometer in my grove bags and open em up at least once a week to check cure.