Dec 4, 2022
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Hello all!

Im preparing for my first grow in my newly legal state. I have a 2x2 tent partially setup, and I have around 36in/90cm of total grow height from floor to as high as I can hang my led light. The light (Migro Array 2, 125W) only needs a recommended minimum distance of 8inches or 20cm to the top of the colas.

I plan on 4 x small plants, one per square foot. Personally I’d like to grow “natural” small christmas tree plants and not LST, Top/FIM or SCROG, I really like TotoGrowsUK solo cup grows on YouTube, which he uses ~14oz solo cups.

Im thinking 4 x 0.25 Gallon (32oz) (1 Liter) pots, which are roughly twice the size of a solo cup. I don’t think I want to go bigger than 0.5 gallons each. I’d be more than happy with 1oz/plant dry.

What do you guys think?
Growing in such a vertically limited area is going to bring a whole bunch of added complications. You say you'd like to grow them "naturally" rather than training, but I doubt you'll have much choice. If there's any wiggle room at all in possibly setting up elsewhere and getting an extra two or three feet of vertical headroom, consider that top priority.

Growing in small containers is also going to bring its own difficulties. You will really need to stay on top of watering, particularly if you're growing in soil (you didn't say), because the small amount of growth medium won't hold much. There will be little margin for error.
My 2.3x2.3 tent filled up quickly with two plants. With limited headroom, I think you need to a) get the light as close to the top of the tent as possible, b) use low profile pots and c) train your plants horizontally.
That Migro is stronger than you think. I have one and definitely run it higher than 8", great results.

If you're growing autos topping at the 5th node will keep it a bit shorter and get you good yeild.

In that space one 3gal pot and a single plant or two plants in 1gal will fill that tent no problem.
Thanks for all the replies guys!

Heres a current photo of my uncompleted setup, the pots are 0.25G/1 Liter, and the stick is obviously a yardstick. Conveniently, there is almost exactly 8” from the yardstick to the bottom of the light.

I looked and I can actually raise the light another ~10in (25cm) inches if I need to by hanging the light from the ends rather than by the center, but it’s a pain requiring 2 more pulley’s and then the light doesnt self level. I’ll leave the light hanging the way it is unless I run out of headroom.

Btw, the tent measures 24”x24”x72”, for those who asked
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I looked and I can actually raise the light another ~10in (25cm) inches if I need to by hanging the light from the ends rather than by the center, but it’s a pain requiring 2 more pulley’s and then the light doesnt self level. I’ll leave the light hanging the way it is unless I run out of headroom.

Btw, the tent measures 24”x24”x72”, for those who asked
When you said "I have around 36in/90cm of total grow height" I thought you meant your tent was maybe 48" tall, total. 24"x24"x72" should be fine. My tent is 24"x24"x65".