
IG: @Fermented_fruitz
Cultivators Club
Sep 14, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Stone dragon, Bloodstone, Devils Lettuce
So I have multiple other journals going so kinda slacked in starting this 1 but since the mephisto ladies almost both finished up I’ll start tracking this girl! 1st run with the owl and got these after trading an IG buddy couple meph extras from Black Friday! Swapped 2 and got 2 tyrone n sour back and 1st dropped/ 1st popped! I’ll do math tomorrow but believe she is around 14 days or so! :shrug: I just go b sprouted/in veg/in flower/ and will finish when it finishes but I’ll track down germ date just cuz :pop:
I’ll scroll back and get lil collage here :thumbsup:
Lil while back

Uhhhh maybe a repost of same last pic:yay:

Just couple days after that :oops1:
Maybe a week or so later here :vibe:
Getting strong in the lil ez swap pot :headbang:
Assassin bug found a hiding spot/ home to chill while watching for a meal to land!
Started some IPM since saw some gnats in small tent but these mainly hunt in foliage I found out after dude suggested them so gonna grab some rove beetles that’ll actually stay inside the earthboxes under the covers and dig thru the soil for their meals!
Til then got plenty of these:cooldance:
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Well dumped the soil from cbd kush, amended with craft blend and some greengro mycos in my transplant hole and moved TnS over to the 3gal rain science bag! No damn clue where they came from but found couple live worms in the soil after dumping outta the radicle bag! Unless these worms live like the terminator I have no clue how they were still alive cuz only worm ingredients that were added was tossing the castings into soil bin after brewing tea with em but that was a waaaaaays back! Guess need to pay more attention next time to make sure I don’t have bunch of cocoons in the castings before I use them in brewing tea!
Holy hell I been slacking off! Hard juggling 5-6 threads and an IG page! :crying:
We are at day 24 today! Believe these pics were yesterday on day 23 obv when I watered with nematodes!
Today’s pic after the nematodes were applied!
Praying again and happy happy! :smoking:
Well this owl sure is flying straight! Just doing some round the rim lst to keep top cola low so doesn’t stay dominate and can get lowers plenty of light etc! Fighting with some gnats even after using nematodes and predator mites! Got assassin bugs to start but they recommended wrong thing since only hunt in foliage and gnats mess with the soil! ALSO NOWHERE LOCALLY HAD ANY LESS THAN THE DAMN 30L BAG OF PERLITE!! Had to get damn 8qt miracle grow brand so gonna put in my brew bag to rinse it nice and clean and then putting a layer over top of soil and also around bottom of grow bags on top of plant tray so no pockets are created where can climb underneath! Then more predator mites AND SOME ROVE BEETLES if I don’t have em dead by time overnight live insect order must be placed by! Not playing anymore!:cuss:

Tyrone N Sour day 34 (at least she’s happy) :woohoo1:
Lowers along back side
Really need to climb back in tent and tie the top over but I’ll do it tonight when I top of earthbox rez!
Top cola forming....for now
After I water tonight and tie it over I’ll grab new pic of it’s new yoga pose! Been super nice to me as I adjust it and never stops praying!! :clapper:
Once I get these gnats knocked out these rain science bags will be a dream! Only need to water every 4 or so days and doesn’t take much and she just keeps on praying all day long! :smokeit:
Cruising along! She def is t gonna be a big girl so hopefully the foop nutrients do the trick to make her swell when time comes! Think I’m gonna stop being so impatient and starting plants early in jiffy and gonna direct plant next go round! Only thing I can come up with as to why such a shorty!
Getting the snow coming on already so hopefully she’ll be a frosty lady! This was couple nights ago!

ohh crap bugs...more bugs...whos eating who ? plants looking ok for it.
why she short ? hmm maybe them bad bugs is doin more underground than we know :frowny:
good luck n keep er lit
ohh crap bugs...more bugs...whos eating who ? plants looking ok for it.
why she short ? hmm maybe them bad bugs is doin more underground than we know :frowny:
good luck n keep er lit
Thinking it’s a shorty from starting in a smaller starter pot and transplanting it. Prob shoulda started in this pot from day 1 but started them before last run was finished up! And have fungus gnats but just watered in more nematodes and have some rove beetles coming Wednesday! Also think they were breeding in the Velcro strip on the 1/2gal bag I am using in same tent for a growoff BUT GOT SMART AND PULLED SOME PANTYHOSE UP AROUND BAG! :rofl:
Wanted to make that strip so it wasn’t accessible cuz whenever I would spot a couple on the outside of the lil bag and would spray it I’d see some slip in their to hide or come scurrying out! Hopefully the pantyhose does the trick! :thumbsup: