Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

Day 10 - Autos

Okay, time for some photo updates, it's been a couple of days.
Family shot:
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From left to right, three rows, top to bottom:
Left three (FastBuds): Green Crack, G14, C4-matic
Middle two (DP, MoC): AutoMazar, Blue Amnesia
Right three (Sweet Seeds): Jack 47, Dark Devil, Cream Mandarin XL

And finally, some individual passport photos (caption above photo):

Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarin XL
Probably the largest / strongest of them all so far.
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Sweet Seeds Dark Devil, recovering from being a bit wilted earlier on.
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Sweet Seeds Jack 47, also looking very good and healthy
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Ministry of Cannabis Blue Amnesia, with those fat little leaves.
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Dutch Passion AutoMazar, also looking one of the strongest so far.
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FastBuds C4-matic, also fat leafed at this age.
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FastBuds G14, a little smaller but very healthy.
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FastBuds Green Crack, came up late but has already caught up easily.
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Meanwhile, my latest attempt at scorpion chilis in the tent.
Planted 21 seeds in 5 pots, 4/pot. This is the first one up!!
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I also started a big seedling tray out on the balcony.
Has over 100 seedling mini-pots, so sowed a large number of basil, thai basil, kale and other veges.
Some of them are just starting to sprout now.
They are on balcony, but under the eaves. Wet, but not soaking.
This weather is great for seedlings, nice and moist, no strong sun to roast them.
Hope to have 100+ little seedling balls, which I'll re-pot and give to friends.

Love and hugs,
Just thinking, this season so far, my germination / sprout rate has been pretty good, but not perfect.
3/3 x Early Top Tao, 5/6 Mandala Safari, 8/8 Autos.
Total of 16/17, about ... 94%.
Hopefully I can manage this same success rate all the way to harvest!!
Day 11 - All Autos

Family pic:
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Top Row (Sweet Seeds): Jack 47, Dark Devil, Cream Mandarin XL
Middle Row (Dutch Passion, Ministry of Cannabis): AutoMazar, Blue Amnesia
Bottom Row (FastBuds): Green Crack, G14, C4-matic

Individual pics:
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Above: Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47

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Above: Ministry of Cannabis Blue Amnesia, Dutch Passion AutoMazar

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Above: FastBuds C4-matic, G14, Green Crack

Still on pure mountain stream water, with the Mars Reflector 192 on grow + bloom = 400+W (for the whole tent...)
Will spray them with some neem oil tomorrow, and am thinking about when to give them a very very light feed with AN Sensi.

Love and hugs,
Day 12 --- All Autos

The family:
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Top row (FastBuds): C4-matic, G14, Green Crack
Middle row (Ministry of Cannabis, Dutch Passion): Blue Amnesia, AutoMazar
Bottom row (Sweet Seeds): Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47

The babies:
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Cream Mandarin XL

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Dark Devil - still very small.....

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Jack 47

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Blue Amnesia

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Green Crack

I gave them all a nice spray down (and the whole tent) with neem oil this morning.
Want to give them a very light feed with CaliMagic and AN Sensi....
But..... I'm resisting the urge, as they are still so young.
Maybe after week two, I figure, and a very light diluted feed at that time.

Love and hugs,
Day 14 -- All Autos

It's exactly 2 weeks old today, everyone! So, some birthday photos in order.
These were all taken out on the balcony, under some nice sunshine and breeze.
I then gave them all (and most of the other plants in the tent) a really good soaking.
I've only been watering with pure mountain spring water (ppm 80-82, same as RO water).
I water in the center, and often with a spray bottle.
But thought that the outer edges may be getting a little dry,
and the roots are just starting to touch the bottom of the 1L pots.
So, big soak down for them all in order.
Should be no need to water for a couple of days after this, I guess.

The family:
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Top Row (FastBuds): C4-matic, G14, Green Crack
Middle Row (Ministry of Cannabis, Dutch Passion): Blue Amnesia, AutoMazar
Bottom Row (Sweet Seeds): Cream Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, Jack 47

The individuals:
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Little Miss Cream Mandarin XL.
Second strongest so far.
Nodes showing potential for nice branching soon.

Dark Devil -- I somehow forgot the pics!!
Poor little thing, the smallest by far, now forgotten.
Extra love for her!!
Anyway, she's starting to grow now, so she's just a couple of days behind.

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Jack 47
Looking very nice, too. Darkest green of all eight, I think.

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Blue Amnesia.
This one is the strongest in terms of main stem growth and also node growth.
It's interesting, because the SeedFinder review gave it 3/10, due to some guy's bad grow experience.
Well, if she keeps up like this, I'm going to put a nice review there to counter him.
Haha! Too many people blame the genes when it's often something else.

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AutoMazar, maybe looking like [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] in terms of vigorfor this young lady.

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C4-matic. The strongest of the FastBuds strains.
Though all three of the FB plants are showing potential for nice branching.

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G14. Doing very well here. Curious to see how Indica this lady will be!

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Green Crack. She was the last one to germ, but has wasted no time here!

Still thinking about when to start with some very mild nutrients.
At day 20, as per TaNg's feeding schedule for AN? Maybe.
For now, though, they are looking lovely and healthy and green.
Not the slightest bit of yellowing, leaf curl or turn, or any nutrient problems at all!!
Okay, don't want to jinx myself, but it's true.
The soil I'm using is nice. Keep it simple, and don't mess up.

Love and hugs,
Looking good Maria! [emoji1360]

When are you planning to plant them out? I'd be a bit worried about stunting their growth in such small pots for any longer..

True, sir, true. A couple of pots just have the tiniest root tips popping at the bottom.
Only just. So I figure they can stay in the 1L pots for a little bit longer.
They're still kind of small right now, though, and could benefit from the Mars 192 on 17/7.
My last season they went out around day 20+/-, but didn't have the benefit of grow light time, only on balcony until then.

Best would be to put into the final pots soon, leave them under the Mars 192, then outside a bit later.
But... not the best option, for security reasons (long story).

And........... I'm wondering whether to top or fim them.
Mainly question is, will that slow down final harvest time?
If so, then I won't. Have a deadline to meet.

Any thoughts?