Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

Day 62 - Jack 47 - Harvest

Decided to just opportunities to start harvesting.
Had a small window before rain set in again.
Managed to take down the Jack 47.
She had a couple of spots of bud rot.
Could have definitely gone longer,
but you'll see below why I took her down early.
Not in this weather....

Enough blah blah, here's the eye candy my friends:

Jack 47 @ Day 62
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We'll discuss her a bit below....

But first, here's the AutoMazar.
Behind is the white cloud, because we're in fog / cloud most of the time.
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Back to Jack 47 after the on site hair styling before the chop.
You can see a couple of bits of bud rot setting in.
Most obviously right up on the top cola:
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May make a nice photo if someone wants a nice clear bud rot picture, haha!

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But I just chop that out. The rest of the top cola is otherwise just fine!

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Bagged on site.

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You can see that she is quite open, stretching, slow fox tailing already at the tips.

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No other solution than to continue using this dehydrator.
Has done wonders so far.
This is probably going to be heavier than all five of the previously cut down autos.

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Enjoy, my friends! I know I shall.

Love and hugs,
Day 63 - Blue Amnesia - Harvest

This morning, little break in the rain, but still very cloudy and will rain later.
Took down the Blue Amnesia.
It's exactly day 63, so 9 weeks.
Can't remember how long she is said to grow accord to Ministry of Cannabis.
I think it was 9 or 10 weeks.
I wonder if because here the light cycle is always so close to 12/12 that autos would naturally finish faster and smaller under these conditions?

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From a distance.

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I trim her on the plant first. Have to work standing, and it's a bit risky....

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All trimmed up.
You can see the part of bud rot up near the very top cola.
And she had 1 or 2 other tiny spots elsewhere.
So, yeah, she had to come down as soon as possible.

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All cut down......

I removed one of the plants' stems and root ball from the bag.
Because the weather was so wet, the bags are quite green on the outside.
And the roots have grown right into the cloth bags, especially at the bottom.
The root ball did not fill the bag, there was still a fair amount of soil to spread more roots.
I think the main factor was the humidity at the end.

Oh well, last grow in this area anyway.
New location has very, very different climate.
I think it will be much superior to here for cultivation.

Back inside, she was cut down into small buds, even the main head.
And totally filling a tray in the fruit dehydrator machine.
Meanwhile I have another dehumidifier for my room, which also should help.

Love and hugs,
Well, wouldn't you guess it?
Day after the last plant is cut and harvested, the sun comes out.
Haven't seen the sun shining like this since ... about 3.5 weeks ago.

Day 65 - Dutch Passion AutoMazar - Harvest

Took her down in the dark. It was still light enough to see by.
Kind of fun out there in the dark forest, nothing but ripe ganja bush, scissors and a bag.
So, for photos, just a couple of nice bud shots once I got her back inside.

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Nice full tray behind her.
Of all the plants in this grow, the Mazar was the tallest, most dense and solid.
Will prob also be highest yield, but have to compare with the Blue Amnesia.
She also had NO MOLD, unlike pretty much all the other plants.
The scent during cutting and right now is mainly straight Afghani flavor.

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20170605 AutoMazar (3).jpg

Not the greatest pics, but hey! One without flash, one with.

All the plants are now either still drying, or mostly dried and packed.
Will cure them for a while in sealed containers, airing regularly.
Then will vacuum pack after that.

Happy growing AFN people!
I've already got my first outdoor harvest in for 2017!!!

Love and hugs,
Much rain over the last few days, maybe 100mm = 4" since the weekend.
That's going to flush the soil heavily, I know. I hope those organic pellets are helping.
I have some other potash and dolomite lime mix ready, and full strength CaliMagic and Sensi Bloom.
Will use this tonight, rain is already easing off now. Hand water means more water, but also some nutes.

In the meantime, a photo or two from a couple of days ago:

Cream Mandarin XL
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Dark Devil
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And then............. my phone died again.
all that rain!, looks like no problems with pot drainage
Day 49 - Fast Buds + Ministry of Cannabis

Can't leave out the FastBuds and Ministry ladies, now can we?

FastBuds - C4-Matic
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Single main bud, lots of calyxes, not many leaves, calyxes all turning nice purple red.

FastBuds - G14
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Ripening fast in this kind of weather.

FastBuds - Green Crack
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Fairly loose buds, but that's fine.
I think that the plant makes them looser when it's very humid, to prevent mold and rot.

Ministry of Cannabis - Blue Amnesia
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She's a good 20cm = 8" taller than all the FastBuds, and look at that top cola bulking up!

It's really hard to feed them. Have been doing full strength CaliMagic and full strength Sensi Bloom Coco AB,
plus have sprinkled down organic fert, and then a potash + lime mix for the pH.
But... you can see how much rain water they get, it just leaches it all through.
This kind of heavy rain environment, would best have slow acting type fert, mixed in the soil right from the start.

Still, they had enough to get this far. May do one last feed.
But then leave them for the last week or so.
With this kid of weather, mother nature will look after any "flush".

Love and hugs,
I like the looks of the c-4 matic, tall, stretchy, keeping her buds exposed to air circulation, and the sun when you get it, good breeding traits for your climate.
Some bud shots. Mostly with flash, one without. At dusk.

Dark Devil
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Can just see the pink starting....

Cream Mandarine XL
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Jack 47
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She's probably the greenest of all eight plants, good sign.

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I must say she has very narrow leaves for a heavy Indica.
Not just this one. Other pics I've seen are similar.
Interesting. I like to challenge the "indica have wide leaves sativa have narrow leaves" stereotype....

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Crap photo. Was very dark.
But.... you can def see that color coming on, huh? <3
So far much more red than the Dark Devil....

Think I forgot a photo of this lady.
She looks quite similar to the Green Crack, so...

Green Crack
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Still quite green up top, even if lower down the leaves are yellow and dropping.

Blue Amnesia
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Fat. Ass. Wild. Bush. Bud.

Now, an observation: It's just the start of week 8, really 7 weeks plus a day or two.
But, most of these ladies are not putting out too many more white pistils.
Perhaps just the Jack 47, Mazar and Blue Amnesia, two of which are more sativa.
The others are mostly brown pistils, with a couple of white pistils on top.

IIRC, the Dark Devil and the three FastBuds strains are supposedly ready after 8 weeks.
The Cream Mandarine and Jack 47, after 9 weeks. The Mazar at 10. Blue Amnesia... also 10, I think.

Now, very often growers find that their plants finish quite a bit later than advertised.
But here, light cycle is only 13/11, and recent weather not good.
I think that they are just very quickly finishing up.

Also, they are all bud rot free at the moment, as far as I can see! Yah!!!
I want to keep it that way. The buds are NOT super tight or dense.
But I think that helps keep the rot down.
My afghanica / indica pheno Mandala Safari was tight -- and she got the rot.

So, may start pulling these ladies down at the end of week 8.
And leave the Jack 47, Blue Amnesia and Mazar for perhaps another week, just see what happens.

That's an earlier harvest than expected, but they are really finishing off.
Many of the fan leaves are dropping, some leaves on the laterals, too.

Love and hugs,
here's to early harvests
loose buds blowing in the breeze