New Grower Magical mystery grow (2x Brooklyn Sunrise A, 1x WW A, 1x Sweety A)


Rincewind of Growing
Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score
Hello everybody,

I am new to AFN and to growing overall.

After few months of studying the subject I decided to give it a try and grow something sweet for myself by myself.

15 years ago, when I first played with the idea of growing MJ, there were autoflowers totally new kids on the block and the only strain I remember with autoflower trait was Lowryder. It was accepted by growers with mixed feelings, because of low yield and potency. But this has changed, at least I hope.

The passengers of my mystery tour are:
2x Brooklyn Sunrise Auto by Dutch Passion
1x White Widow Auto by Royal Queen Seeds
1x Sweety Auto by Blimburn Seeds

Why mystery tour ? Not only that I am a Beatles fan, but I have to confess, that I screw it up already at germinating, and now I have no idea what flower is what strain.

I hope, you can help me to identify the strains from the pictures later in the grow.

I put the seeds into distilled water for a day on May 19th and germinated them with the wet paper towel method with 100% success. Kudos to the breeders! Thank you guys.

The flowers now grow in fabric "smart" pots, each container has 30 l (aprox. 8 gallon). They are maybe too large for autoflowers, we will see. The pots are in my garden.

There are two layers of soil in the pots, hotter Canna Terra Professional Plus in the bottom and shallow layer of lighter Atami Bi Growmix on the top, both mixed up with 10-15% of perlite.

I am / will be using Biobizz nutrients, namely: Outdoor try-pack ( Fish mix, Bio bloom, Top max), Stimulant try-pack ( Root juice, Alga-A-Mic, Top max). I also bought and started to use a microfloral booster called Phosphoderma.

I want to keep the grow as organic as possible. Because I quit smoking several years ago, I plan to vape the crop and make some edibles.

Are there any more boosters you could recommend (with more than a placebo effect ;) ), that I have omitted ?

Because of my lack of experience, my expectations are low too. I hope in 20g ( 0.7 oz) per plant.

Feel free to ask anything and any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Happy growing!


PS: English isn't my native language, so please forgive me any errors. TY! And if you are a grammar nazi and you can't help yourself correcting others, write me a message :p
Hello n welcome to AFN and to growing! Best of luck to you in your journeys
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Good luck.......exciting times ahead
I’m along for the ride, welcome :smoker1:
Just finished s few Brooklyn Sunrise. They are a super healthy plant that can get really big. Bud structure on my grow was definitely sativa dominant so the buds were not rock hard but the smoke was instant head rush to the moon.

Good luck and good grow vibes.

Thank you all for a warm welcome!:bighug:

Today I have got a few questions:

1) What is day 0 in an auto's life - the day, the seed hits water, the day the seed cracks and tap root sprouts or the day when the cotyledons get first light exposure?

2) I want to perform LST and I wonder what cardinal direction should I bend the main stem in outdoor. Am I right, it should be to the north in the northern hemisphere?

3) Is rain water the best? Or shall I mix in some water from a well, so it contains some minerals too?

Thank you all for stopping by and here are new photos.
Hi and welcome to AFN :welcome:.plants are looking good:thumbsup: I use mostly rainwater for my ladies as my well water is not the best. I count day 1 as the first day the seedling breaks through the dirt and I'm in the southern hemisphere and currently really blazed and can't work out what way you should LST.....:chimp:......I bend mine back towards the south. Here's a guide that is well worth the read when you get time.

Thanks Green bandit.

I googled a little, and I think the correct answer is really bend the flower to the north if you live north of Tropic of Cancer (which is my case), because the sun beams come from the south all the year, the difference is only in how high above the horizon the sun gets every day.
And in your case to bend to the south if you live below (south of) the Tropic of Capricorn.

In between the Tropics one would bend according to the place (north or south hemisphere) and time of year, I guess.