Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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get an apron on...and kill the fatted calf......... :chef: ........

Glad to see another citrus grower wanna be like me with passion!

Do you know we add 46% N to them over here @JM ...... @Waira nearly pooped when I showed him the fert panel on the bag.........:yoinks:....

Worth having a look for....if you get it on to Chillies when they are just starting to flower...they will literally Treble the plant size in a couple of weeks...........:watering:.....Did Absolutely nothing for the Know I'd Have to Try.....:yeah:

They tell you to Pee on them here.......but I wouldn't recommend it in a grow room........:crying:

Trimming is simple like any fruit tree @JP1 ......clear the centre for ventilation ..remove any weak or crossing over branches.....trim main branches by 1/3rd........:headbang:...cut off any curled or damaged leaf.

don't worry about a bit of leaf damage......our farmer is a grea grower and his all show some leaf damage....tey are not pristine.

And...look for a Perpetual lemon.....they fruit all year 'round....vegging fruiting and flowering all at the same time.

Mine is called Lunar.....but ...just look for Perpetual.... :headbang:

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oh yeah... I can speak on pruning a bit...
eliminate and internal cross branches... in other words, branches that shoot in toward the center of the plant... you want ONLY outward reaching branches.. preferably 30+ degrees to 90 degees (perpendicular) to the stem.
additionally... control growth and bushiness (and consequently support bud sites for yield) by limiting vertical growth. Pretty much hold the height you want to maintain. Most trees will TRY to reach up.. and in pretty much all orchard cases, you want to control that growth to a large degree.
Remember, when pruning tops, on ANY plant, we are tipping the cytokine/auxin balance....
That is, as we trim tops, we reduce the volume of the plants shoots... and in doing so.. tip the balance in favor of cytokines... root hormones effectively...
So that causes root growth,which in the next returns as a flush of shoot tip growth. In amongst the life cycle of any plant... they are ACTUALLY alternating back and forth on a much smaller scale than we realize between vegetative and reproductive growth. John Kempf speaks specifically on this in one of his webinars on Advancing Eco Agriculture's Yout-Tube channel.
So, hope that helps...
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Some citrus cultivars are alternate producing with heavy crop years followed by a light year. Eureka Lemons produce all year. Citrus has high Mg, Zn and Cu trace mineral needs and is a medium N user. It is best to prune in the early spring and never in the fall. It encourages new growth that is more susceptible to frost damage in the winter months. I suppose that it does not matter as much indoors?
Do you know we add 46% N to them over here @JM ...... @Waira nearly pooped when I showed him the fert panel on the bag.........:yoinks:....

Worth having a look for....if you get it on to Chillies when they are just starting to flower...they will literally Treble the plant size in a couple of weeks...........:watering:.....Did Absolutely nothing for the Know I'd Have to Try.....:yeah:

They tell you to Pee on them here.......but I wouldn't recommend it in a grow room........:crying:

Trimming is simple like any fruit tree @JP1 ......clear the centre for ventilation ..remove any weak or crossing over branches.....trim main branches by 1/3rd........:headbang:

Eureka Lemons produce all year.

There you go......:headbang:.. US Translation....instead of watching a plant for a year for one produces all year.

When a friend moved over here he had an assortment of neglected citrus trees....and one outstanding Beauty.....

so he got a local citrus guy to come in to get them back in condition.

He took one look at the beautiful one.....:pass:...and he said..go tell your neighbour his cess tank is leaking...

and it was......:biggrin:...
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